

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:00

android Programming Glossary: callbackid

How to set image as wallpaper using Android Phonegap?


PluginResult execute String action JSONArray arg1 String callbackId PluginResult result new PluginResult Status.INVALID_ACTION if..

Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android


PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId if action.equals saveImage return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION.. return this.saveImage b64String filename folder overwrite callbackId catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace return new PluginResult.. String fileName String dirName Boolean overwrite String callbackId throws InterruptedException JSONException try Directory and..

Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin


String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackId throws JSONException IntentFilter wifiFilter new IntentFilter.. wifiBroadcastReceiver wifiFilter this.callbackContext callbackId ... public class WifiReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override.. String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackId throws JSONException IntentFilter wifiFilter new IntentFilter..

Location manager is not working without internet


getCurrentPosition protected String callbackId null @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray.. PluginResult execute String action JSONArray data String callbackId JSONObject options data.optJSONObject 0 Log.i Myactivity options.. Log.i Myactivity options options this.timeout timeout this.callbackId callbackId Log.i Myactivity callbackId this.callbackId PluginResult..

How to create plugin in phonegap to run the application in background?


PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId PluginResult.Status status PluginResult.Status.OK String result.. PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId Log.i TAG Plugin Called PluginResult result null if CALL_SERVICE_ACTION.equals..

How to set image as wallpaper using Android Phonegap?


String ACTION_SET_WALLPAPER setWallPaper @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray arg1 String callbackId PluginResult result new PluginResult Status.INVALID_ACTION if action.equals ACTION_SET_WALLPAPER WallpaperManager wallpaperManager..

Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android


public class Base64ToPNG extends Plugin @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId if action.equals saveImage return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION try String b64String if b64String.startsWith.. params.has overwrite params.getBoolean overwrite false return this.saveImage b64String filename folder overwrite callbackId catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.JSON_EXCEPTION e.getMessage catch.. e.getMessage private PluginResult saveImage String b64String String fileName String dirName Boolean overwrite String callbackId throws InterruptedException JSONException try Directory and File File dir new File dirName if dir.exists dir.mkdirs File..

Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin


new WifiReceiver ... ... public boolean execute String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackId throws JSONException IntentFilter wifiFilter new IntentFilter WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION cordova.getActivity.. cordova.getActivity .registerReceiver wifiBroadcastReceiver wifiFilter this.callbackContext callbackId ... public class WifiReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent final.. HEAD So you should update your code to public boolean execute String action final JSONArray args final CallbackContext callbackId throws JSONException IntentFilter wifiFilter new IntentFilter WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION cordova.getActivity..

Location manager is not working without internet


Location lastPosition null public static final String ACTION_GETCURRENTPOSITION getCurrentPosition protected String callbackId null @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray data String callbackId JSONObject options data.optJSONObject.. protected String callbackId null @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray data String callbackId JSONObject options data.optJSONObject 0 Log.i Myactivity options options this.timeout timeout this.callbackId callbackId.. String callbackId JSONObject options data.optJSONObject 0 Log.i Myactivity options options this.timeout timeout this.callbackId callbackId Log.i Myactivity callbackId this.callbackId PluginResult result new PluginResult Status.NO_RESULT callbackId..

How to create plugin in phonegap to run the application in background?


class BackgroundService extends Plugin @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId PluginResult.Status status PluginResult.Status.OK String result try if action.equals onCreate this.onCreate else if action.equals.. final String CALL_SERVICE_ACTION callService @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId Log.i TAG Plugin Called PluginResult result null if CALL_SERVICE_ACTION.equals action Log.d TAG CALL_SERVICE_ACTION startService..