android Programming Glossary: afaik
ICS Android enable gps programmatically? I hope not as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS programmatically..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? reverse engineering of an Android APK Is this possible AFAIK there is not any trick for complete avoidance of reverse engineering...
Use external fonts in android fonts android widget share improve this question AFAIK Android does not support OpenType. Use a TrueType font instead...
disable all home button and task bar features on Nexus 7 your app a launcher in order to override the home button. AFAIK there is no way of overriding the recent apps button. Edit One..
HTML5 <video> element on Android on this page http broken tests video This works AFAIK in all video enabled desktop browsers iPhone and Android. Here's..
How to draw line on Map View given coordinates? coordinates How to draw line on MapView given coordinates AFAIK on iPhone it is possible. Please advise. Thanks in advance...
augmented reality framework well known. Others like SomaView and GeoVector also exist. AFAIK Wikitude and Layar have made their API's public. Toolkit There..
Backup and restore SQLite database to sdcard
play youtube video in WebView You might also experiment with HTML5's video tag which AFAIK is supported in the Browser application and may therefore work..
AsyncTask won't stop even when the activity has destroyed AsynTask. Thanks android share improve this question AFAIK you cannot stop an AsyncTask . I do not believe that the cancel..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order 681 getView 3 android.widget.RelativeLayout@43cff8f0 AFAIK though I couldn't find it stated explicitly getView is only..
How can I display a dialog from an Android broadcast receiver? android broadcastreceiver share improve this question AFAIK only activities can display dialogs. If so and if your BroadcastReceiver..
Downloading/Caching Google Maps for Offline Use and not the API without violating the ToS Correct though AFAIK it's not even physically possible with the API. share improve..
Bitmap, Bitmap.recycle(), WeakReferences, and Garbage Collection Bitmap.recycle WeakReferences and Garbage Collection AFAIK on Android it is recommended to reference Bitmap objects as..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback media player playback share improve this question AFAIK the buffers that MediaPlayer creates internally are for storing..
Android - detecting application launch from home or history launched from the Home screen History screen You can't AFAIK. Basically what I'm trying to achieve is force the user to login..
How does the mapping between android resources and resources ID work? to locate the proper resource just through the . AFAIK the resources are compiled to binary format so how does this..
Fragment Inside Fragment android android fragments share improve this question AFAIK fragments cannot hold other fragments. UPDATE With current versions..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) that connects to NFC controller but not internally because AFAIK the SIM slot is not connected by other means to the NFC controller...
How can I detect a click on the ActionBar title? share improve this question The title is non clickable AFAIK. The icon logo is clickable you'll get that via
ICS Android enable gps programmatically? improve this question is there a way to enable gps programmatically I hope not as that would be a privacy flaw. AFAIK all known holes that allowed malware to enable GPS programmatically have now been closed. am trying to enable gps and send..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? share improve this question 1. How can I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK Is this possible AFAIK there is not any trick for complete avoidance of reverse engineering. And also very well said by @inazaruk Whatever you..
Use external fonts in android face but it did not show the text... plz help.. android fonts android widget share improve this question AFAIK Android does not support OpenType. Use a TrueType font instead. UPDATE Apparently OpenType is now supported at least somewhat...
disable all home button and task bar features on Nexus 7 make the app full screen override the back button and make your app a launcher in order to override the home button. AFAIK there is no way of overriding the recent apps button. Edit One other option would to have a fullscreen app and then use..
HTML5 <video> element on Android checked usually does the trick. Have a look at the demo on this page http broken tests video This works AFAIK in all video enabled desktop browsers iPhone and Android. Here's the markup video id video autobuffer height 240 width 360..
How to draw line on Map View given coordinates? to draw line on Map View given coordinates How to draw line on MapView given coordinates AFAIK on iPhone it is possible. Please advise. Thanks in advance. android android mapview share improve this question To..
augmented reality framework in the Android market of which Layar and Wikitude are well known. Others like SomaView and GeoVector also exist. AFAIK Wikitude and Layar have made their API's public. Toolkit There is also a toolkit named NyARToolkit that provides a library..
Backup and restore SQLite database to sdcard
play youtube video in WebView
AsyncTask won't stop even when the activity has destroyed someone can tell me the correct procedure to stop cancel the AsynTask. Thanks android share improve this question AFAIK you cannot stop an AsyncTask . I do not believe that the cancel method will work if the task is already executing that will..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order 04 11 16 37 47.730 INFO System.out 681 getView 3 android.widget.RelativeLayout@43cff8f0 AFAIK though I couldn't find it stated explicitly getView is only called for visible rows. Since my app starts with four visible..
How can I display a dialog from an Android broadcast receiver? exit the app. What is the best way to go about this Thanks android broadcastreceiver share improve this question AFAIK only activities can display dialogs. If so and if your BroadcastReceiver is registered by an activity via registerReceiver..
Downloading/Caching Google Maps for Offline Use
Bitmap, Bitmap.recycle(), WeakReferences, and Garbage Collection Bitmap.recycle WeakReferences and Garbage Collection AFAIK on Android it is recommended to reference Bitmap objects as WeakReferences in order to avoid memory leaks. When no more..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback show up on emulators from 1.6 through 3.0. android audio media player playback share improve this question AFAIK the buffers that MediaPlayer creates internally are for storing decompressed samples not for storing prefetched compressed..
Android - detecting application launch from home or history is the best way to detect when an Android Application has been launched from the Home screen History screen You can't AFAIK. Basically what I'm trying to achieve is force the user to login to certain screens each time they come back to the app..
How does the mapping between android resources and resources ID work? resources and resources ID work It is magical for Android to locate the proper resource just through the . AFAIK the resources are compiled to binary format so how does this mapping logic work under the hood Maybe it works like this..
Fragment Inside Fragment much time and pushing me behind my schedule. Thanks alot android android fragments share improve this question AFAIK fragments cannot hold other fragments. UPDATE With current versions of the Android Support package or native fragments on..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) external element is accesible externally by means of SWP that connects to NFC controller but not internally because AFAIK the SIM slot is not connected by other means to the NFC controller. This leaves us with only one path the baseband processor...
How can I detect a click on the ActionBar title? clicks android onclick textview title android actionbar share improve this question The title is non clickable AFAIK. The icon logo is clickable you'll get that via in onOptionsItemSelected . Conceivably the title also..
where can i find the .apk file on my device, when i download any app and install? [closed] improve this question All user installed apks are located in data app but you can only access this if you are rooted afaik you can try without root and if it doesn't work rooting isn't hard. I suggest you search xda developers for rooting instructions..
GCM SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE on Android 2.2 the device. However I hardly consider this a good solution to the problem as Google has stopped supporting this method afaik. EDIT2 See the accepted answer. android android 2.2 gcm google play services service not available share improve this..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash you get a guaranteed one second delay before you can see anything but it's less jarring than that horrible black flash afaik. Layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android orientation..
Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone I have tried a different port to no avail there does not appear to be anything on 5039 the default port anyway. And afaik I don't have any firewalls blocking that connection. I'm developing on Ubuntu 11.04 as well. Edit2 looks like with..
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android) using C2DM the act of uninstalling the application will automatically unregister it from C2DM. Edit Oh and about iOS afaik it does not directly track uninstalled apps it does however come with a failed notification feedback service that after..
Animation Drawable causing OutOfMemoryError on second run in Android You need to free memory used by bitmaps when you're exiting this screen. Unfortunately for earlier versions of Android afaik this was fixed since 3.0 but I can be wrong memory for bitmaps is allocated through native code and what is sad memory should..
Camera on Android Eclipse emulator: inside the AVD skin's screen in real time android android emulator android camera share improve this question Afaik the emulator wont show a realtime camera regardless. If you need a live camera source to use in your own app for debugging..
PDF reading on Android yourself. Its also extremely expensive basically nothing for a small firm single developer but for bigger companies. Afaik the license is not only expensive but also annual based so you need to pay for it in every year... There are other libraries..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? turn it off how can I change the Color of it android user interface mobile scrollview share improve this question Afaik there is no way to do this. So I created one presenting Graeme's Amazing Custom List View v2 I've created a custom view..
How to send view to back ? How to control the z-order programmatically? want them to be behind the view that is moving. android android layout view z order share improve this question Afaik there's no built in solution for this. I guess you're trying to modify the z order in a FrameLayout or something similar...
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android) triggers push notification uninstall share improve this question That depends on which push service you are using. Afaik if you are using C2DM the act of uninstalling the application will automatically unregister it from C2DM. Edit Oh and about..
Android ICMP ping source app that has this feature but can't find any... Thanks java android networking share improve this question Afaik sending ICMP ECHO requests needs root i.e. the app that does it needs to be setuid and that's not currently possible in..