android Programming Glossary: adwhirl
Testing Android project with jar dependecies 06 14 55 43.533 INFO dalvikvm 7049 Failed resolving Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter interface 315 'Lcom inmobi androidsdk.. 06 06 14 55 43.533 WARN dalvikvm 7049 Link of class 'Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter ' failed 06 06 14 55 43.533 INFO dalvikvm.. 06 14 55 43.533 INFO dalvikvm 7049 Failed resolving Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter interface 407 'Lcom inmobi androidsdk..
onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory when using admob with adwhirl returned due to lack of ad inventory when using admob with adwhirl i just want to know if this problem is server side...or i must.. returned due to lack of ad inventory I'm using admob with adwhirl to show ads in my android application. android admob adwhirl.. to show ads in my android application. android admob adwhirl share improve this question If you are getting this error..
Testing Android project with jar dependecies but in the logcat's output there are warnings like this 06 06 14 55 43.533 INFO dalvikvm 7049 Failed resolving Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter interface 315 'Lcom inmobi androidsdk InMobiAdDelegate ' 06 06 14 55 43.533 WARN dalvikvm 7049 Link.. interface 315 'Lcom inmobi androidsdk InMobiAdDelegate ' 06 06 14 55 43.533 WARN dalvikvm 7049 Link of class 'Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter ' failed 06 06 14 55 43.533 INFO dalvikvm 7049 Failed resolving Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter.. of class 'Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter ' failed 06 06 14 55 43.533 INFO dalvikvm 7049 Failed resolving Lcom adwhirl adapters InMobiAdapter interface 407 'Lcom inmobi androidsdk InMobiAdDelegate ' 06 06 14 55 43.533 WARN dalvikvm 7049 Link..
onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory when using admob with adwhirl Ad request successful but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory when using admob with adwhirl i just want to know if this problem is server side...or i must fix something in my code... onFailedToReceiveAd Ad request.. code... onFailedToReceiveAd Ad request successful but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory I'm using admob with adwhirl to show ads in my android application. android admob adwhirl share improve this question If you are getting this error.. due to lack of ad inventory I'm using admob with adwhirl to show ads in my android application. android admob adwhirl share improve this question If you are getting this error then your code is correct. The issue is that AdMob does not..
admob alternatives [closed] experiences with other services they can share android admob revenue share improve this question Have a look at AdWhirl . It provides a single API to cycle through multiple ad solutions including admob. Adwhirl enables you to serve ads in your..
MoPub for Android app which has 30 000 unique users a week and I am VERY happy with it. I previously used a custom iAds AdMob solution AdWhirl and attempted to use Burstly and none of them satisfied me. The first was fine until Apple cut my eCPM drastically and without.. drastically and without warning and I had to wait weeks to upgrade my app so I could move to alternative networks. AdWhirl was fine but they didn't support all the networks I wanted to use and their custom network option was lacking also adding..
Submitting tasks to a thread-pool gives RejectedExecutionException thread the main rendering thread called through Renderer.onRender Other than that on java side we are using AdWhirl which spawns their own thread through their own ScheduledExecutorService but we have wrapped every call to schedule submit..
onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory when using admob with adwhirl filtered out some ads. Check your app settings to see if that is the case. Finally a test you can run to see if your AdWhirl code is implemented correctly is to request a test ad. You can do this by specifying test mode in AdWhirl AdWhirlTargeting.setTestMode.. see if your AdWhirl code is implemented correctly is to request a test ad. You can do this by specifying test mode in AdWhirl AdWhirlTargeting.setTestMode true If you get back a test ad you'll know your code is working as intended. share improve.. your AdWhirl code is implemented correctly is to request a test ad. You can do this by specifying test mode in AdWhirl AdWhirlTargeting.setTestMode true If you get back a test ad you'll know your code is working as intended. share improve this answer..