android Programming Glossary: advanced
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x Long Press Access Point SSID Modify Network check Show advanced options The IP Settings field is still stated DHCP but not Static..
Issue with tablet detection Synchro Digital If you are running Windows 8 you have to reboot into the advanced startup menu and disable driver signing to install the modified..
Reflection to access advanced telephony features to access advanced telephony features I am trying to use reflection to access..
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project Android framework entry select bootstrap entries click on advanced select Add Library Ok Chose JRE System Library Next finish You..
Detect if an outgoing call has been answered handles Intent.ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED Thank you in advanced android android intent telephony share improve this question..
What can you not do on the Dalvik VM (Android's VM) that you can in Sun VM? as standard Java bytecode though most of them are quite advanced. The most severe example is runtime bytecode generation and..
ORM on Android SQLite and database scheme [closed] ORMLite does not support cascading or any of the more advanced ORM features but there are examples of easy many to many implementations..
Why are these permissions being refused? unreasonable of my application Is android system that advanced that it understands code I would much appreciate it if you could..
Should I learn Java before learning Android [closed] this before literally asking complicated questions about advanced scenarios while not understanding the basics of the language...
android service startService() and bindService() so it's not possible does anyone know about it thanks in advanced maxsap. android share improve this question I think hara's..
LocationManager requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android never get notified about my location. any Ideas thanks in advanced maxsap. android share improve this question Ok took me..
android custom EditText UI only applies the effect inside the EditText. thanks in advanced maxsap. android share improve this question Have you checked..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] easy and fast. I created it to make testing of advanced android applications possible with minimum effort. Its used..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? custom listview for android.html Go thru this post. It is advanced some what Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView..
Don't reload application when orientation changes discussions on this but quite frankly they are all pretty advanced and as a newbie to Android development I can't make this work...
Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags tablets tablet_content 000002 slideshows Thanks in advanced for any help. I'm kinda new to java and android dev. android..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file be better if you tried creating the file without using advanced codecs such as FFmpeg as Android can't decode advanced codecs.. advanced codecs such as FFmpeg as Android can't decode advanced codecs on the fly. However I do not have the answer to why some..
How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework? is made over network and hit on http server. HttpClient Advanced Test If you want to test app behavior more precisely for instance..
Unable to link native library in OpenCV Android sample Java API only run without problems. Sample #3 Tutorial 3 Advanced Add Native OpenCV builds from ndk builder correctly. But always..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? when the registration ID changes as mentioned under Advanced Topics under heading Keeping the Registration State in Sync..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? variable Windows 7 Start Menu Control Panel System Advanced System Settings on the left Environment Variables Add a new..
Moving default AVD configuration folder (.android) Right click on My Computer and choose Properties Click the Advanced tab Click the button Environment Variables . Add New variable..
Floating point or fixed-point for Android NDK OpenGL apps? more than that. Some devices additionally support the NEON Advanced SIMD extension which provides some fancy features beyond what..
Ubuntu - Error: Failed to create the SD card there to no avail. Any tips would be most appreciated. Advanced warning that I am somewhat of a novice Linux user so even if..
Eclipse Content Assist not working with Android what worked for me Preferences Java Editor Content Assist Advanced. Make sure œJava Proposals is ticked. Not sure why it wasn't..
Android-Close Other Apps question of how to accomplish this in code. I know about Advanced Task Mgr so it is possible but how java android share improve..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK the windows key and press the pause break key . Click on Advanced system settings on the left. Click the Environment Variables..
autocomplete has stopped working with android sdk go to Window Preferences Java Editor Content Assist Advanced And check the boxes labeled Java Proposals and hit Apply. This..
How do Task Manager's kill apps? that but what I was wondering is how do task managers like Advanced Task Killer kill other applications I wanted to develop a simple..
LocationManager returns old cached “Wifi” location with current timestamp about best practices for getting location Android Protips Advanced Topics for Expert Android App Developers and this A Deep Dive..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer I create a security application just like Mcafee.. .show Unfortunately my service can be stopped by Advanced task killer so I can't listen for the SMS command. I'm using..
Facebook Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication this issue by disabling the Enhanced Auth Dialog in the Advanced Settings of your app on https apps Best..
Eclipse error: NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/ref/FinalReference the Classpath tab select Bootstrap Entries and click the Advanced button. Choose Add Library and click OK. Select JRE System Library..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior Regarding this here are some tutorials Android ListView Advanced Interactive or Commonsware Android Excerpt Interactive rows..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x But I go back to check by Setting Wifi Long Press Access Point SSID Modify Network check Show advanced options The IP Settings field is still stated DHCP but not Static . It is true that I can use android.provider.Settings.System.getString..
Issue with tablet detection Synchro Digital driver see below EDIT This method works reliably on Windows. If you are running Windows 8 you have to reboot into the advanced startup menu and disable driver signing to install the modified driver. Google includes the USB drivers for the Nexus devices..
Reflection to access advanced telephony features to access advanced telephony features I am trying to use reflection to access some unpublished features of the telephony API. Currently I..
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project Select your Junit project Go to the classpath tab remove the Android framework entry select bootstrap entries click on advanced select Add Library Ok Chose JRE System Library Next finish You need to also add the JUnit library so follow the steps 5..
Detect if an outgoing call has been answered . So to reprhase my question Does anyone know which activity handles Intent.ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED Thank you in advanced android android intent telephony share improve this question I don't think there's such API and also there's no API..
What can you not do on the Dalvik VM (Android's VM) that you can in Sun VM? Dalvik will not handle or will not handle quite the same way as standard Java bytecode though most of them are quite advanced. The most severe example is runtime bytecode generation and custom class loading. Let's say you would like to create some..
ORM on Android SQLite and database scheme [closed] In terms of many to many relationships ORMLite does not support cascading or any of the more advanced ORM features but there are examples of easy many to many implementations http docs examples share improve..
Why are these permissions being refused? it intelligent as in it would reject permissions that it deems unreasonable of my application Is android system that advanced that it understands code I would much appreciate it if you could actually explain me this concept in a couple of lines instead..
Should I learn Java before learning Android [closed] as native UIs or web frameworks. I've seen people try to do this before literally asking complicated questions about advanced scenarios while not understanding the basics of the language. Sometimes the problem they've been having has been due to..
android service startService() and bindService() the two services have different lifecycle so it's not possible does anyone know about it thanks in advanced maxsap. android share improve this question I think hara's answer was a little confusing. What you describe is perfectly..
LocationManager requestLocationUpdates and timertask in android location updates... interval value is interval and I never get notified about my location. any Ideas thanks in advanced maxsap. android share improve this question Ok took me a while but I have found the solution to this as the documentation..
android custom EditText UI and how because I haven't found a solution the above code only applies the effect inside the EditText. thanks in advanced maxsap. android share improve this question Have you checked out the Notepad sample They have a custom TextEdit class..
Best practices for unit testing Android apps [closed] really easy to use framework that makes testing of android applications easy and fast. I created it to make testing of advanced android applications possible with minimum effort. Its used in conjunction with ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. share..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? a look at this tutorial. http 2009 07 custom listview for android.html Go thru this post. It is advanced some what Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView Edited According to your comment Consider example of displaying..
Don't reload application when orientation changes application when orientation changes There are a lot of discussions on this but quite frankly they are all pretty advanced and as a newbie to Android development I can't make this work. I simply need nothing to change when the screen is rotated...
Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags Title ProcessFlow Pages 4 File http tabletcms tablets tablet_content 000002 slideshows Thanks in advanced for any help. I'm kinda new to java and android dev. android xml parsing url share improve this question public class..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file it in some FFmpeg codecs you had on your computer. It would be better if you tried creating the file without using advanced codecs such as FFmpeg as Android can't decode advanced codecs on the fly. However I do not have the answer to why some smartphones.. It would be better if you tried creating the file without using advanced codecs such as FFmpeg as Android can't decode advanced codecs on the fly. However I do not have the answer to why some smartphones can play your M4A file while others can't. My..
How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework? and whenever you run your test class a real http communication is made over network and hit on http server. HttpClient Advanced Test If you want to test app behavior more precisely for instance you want to test a http call in you app to see if it is..
Unable to link native library in OpenCV Android sample ver. 2.4.0 and did all steps from that manual. Basic samples Java API only run without problems. Sample #3 Tutorial 3 Advanced Add Native OpenCV builds from ndk builder correctly. But always got exception when I'm trying to run debug it on device..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? receivers . 3 I also understand that there are other two scenarios when the registration ID changes as mentioned under Advanced Topics under heading Keeping the Registration State in Sync Application update and Backup restore. I am already handling..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? avd share improve this question Add a new user environment variable Windows 7 Start Menu Control Panel System Advanced System Settings on the left Environment Variables Add a new user variable at the top that points your home user directory..
Moving default AVD configuration folder (.android)
Floating point or fixed-point for Android NDK OpenGL apps? about the GL implementation though so I can't offer much more than that. Some devices additionally support the NEON Advanced SIMD extension which provides some fancy features beyond what the basic VFP support has. However you must test for this..
Ubuntu - Error: Failed to create the SD card Eclipse and the ADT plugin and running the manager from there to no avail. Any tips would be most appreciated. Advanced warning that I am somewhat of a novice Linux user so even if it seems like a no brainer obvious thing to check I could still..
Eclipse Content Assist not working with Android
Android-Close Other Apps is a natural extension of auto launch . Please answer the question of how to accomplish this in code. I know about Advanced Task Mgr so it is possible but how java android share improve this question but what can I do to close or kill the..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK on Computer and select properties you can also hold down the windows key and press the pause break key . Click on Advanced system settings on the left. Click the Environment Variables button on the bottom. Click the New... button below the System..
autocomplete has stopped working with android sdk I had this same problem. Here is how I solved it. In Eclipse go to Window Preferences Java Editor Content Assist Advanced And check the boxes labeled Java Proposals and hit Apply. This solved my problem. Hope it helps. share improve this answer..
How do Task Manager's kill apps? it's bad to use a task manager killer in Android and all that but what I was wondering is how do task managers like Advanced Task Killer kill other applications I wanted to develop a simple application that would do this just for the learning experience...
LocationManager returns old cached “Wifi” location with current timestamp suggest you look at Reto Meier's Google IO video that he did about best practices for getting location Android Protips Advanced Topics for Expert Android App Developers and this A Deep Dive Into Location and lastly the source code for that talk android..
How to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer to create a service in Android that can't be killed by Advanced Task Killer I create a security application just like Mcafee wave secure. My application is listening for SMS command and.. onDestroy Toast.makeText this My Service Stopped Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Unfortunately my service can be stopped by Advanced task killer so I can't listen for the SMS command. I'm using start_sticky option but it does not work for me. Does anyone..
Facebook Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication
Eclipse error: NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/ref/FinalReference Library under Bootstrap Entries and remove it. Still in the Classpath tab select Bootstrap Entries and click the Advanced button. Choose Add Library and click OK. Select JRE System Library and click Next. Select Workspace Default JRE and click..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior