android Programming Glossary: abortbroadcast
Receiving SMS on Android App any other broadcast receivers from receiving broadcast abortBroadcast AndroidManifest.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest.. send the sms first to your application you can also call abortBroadcast so other applications won't receive the sms e.g. the native..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ break catch Exception e Log.d TEST THIS IS NOT GOOD abortBroadcast To try to make this work it sounds like 4.0 requires something..
What is the simplest way to send message from local service to activity Context context Intent intent Log.d TAG Yay....... abortBroadcast filter In my Service which is listening for events when I detect..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?
stop SMS propagation public void onReceive Context context Intent intent abortBroadcast setResultData null AndroidManifest.xml receiver android name..
SMS receive with no notification the right way to solve this problem Thanks. Upd. calling abortBroadcast in boradcast doesn't help android sms broadcast receiver .. your app to receive SMS messages and then using abortBroadcast when you detect your message has arrived. You say abortBroadcast.. when you detect your message has arrived. You say abortBroadcast doesn't work is the SMS definitely getting handled by your SMS..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main activity is the following public class mainActivity..
Suppress / Block BroastReceiver in another app for asynchronous messages. So they are simply calling abortBroadcast . They probably have their priority jacked to the roof. share..
How Can i INTERCEPT an Incoming SMS With A specific Text won't be in the SMS Database yet so you will need to use abortBroadcast to stop other apps being notified. See example below public.. if messages.getMessageBody .contains Hi abortBroadcast And you would need to declare the receiver in the manifest..
Blocking outgoing SMS/MMS in android smsMessage 0 .getMessageBody Toast.LENGTH_LONG abortBroadcast for int i 0 i 8 i System.out.println Blocking SMS else.. context SMS SENT MSG_TYPE Toast.LENGTH_LONG abortBroadcast for int i 0 i 8 i System.out.println Blocking SMS else.. context SIN ELSE MSG_TYPE Toast.LENGTH_LONG abortBroadcast for int i 0 i 8 i System.out.println Blocking SMS The..
Android: how to mark sms as read in onReceive onReceive I can catch sms can see sender phone body I can abortBroadcast if I don't like this sms but I don't know how to just mark this..
Receiving SMS on Android App context message Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prevent any other broadcast receivers from receiving broadcast abortBroadcast AndroidManifest.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package.. priority attribute of intent filter to tell the system send the sms first to your application you can also call abortBroadcast so other applications won't receive the sms e.g. the native sms app . Don't forget broadcast receiver has about 10 seconds..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE Log.d TEST BUTTON DOWN break catch Exception e Log.d TEST THIS IS NOT GOOD abortBroadcast To try to make this work it sounds like 4.0 requires something like this which didnt work AudioManager getSystemService..
What is the simplest way to send message from local service to activity new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Log.d TAG Yay....... abortBroadcast filter In my Service which is listening for events when I detect my desired event Intent localIntent new Intent _context..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?
stop SMS propagation this public class SMSReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent abortBroadcast setResultData null AndroidManifest.xml receiver android name .SMSReceiver android enabled true android priority 100 intent..
SMS receive with no notification SMS without notify. Does anyone can help me or show me the right way to solve this problem Thanks. Upd. calling abortBroadcast in boradcast doesn't help android sms broadcast receiver share improve this question This should be possible by registering.. share improve this question This should be possible by registering your app to receive SMS messages and then using abortBroadcast when you detect your message has arrived. You say abortBroadcast doesn't work is the SMS definitely getting handled by your.. your app to receive SMS messages and then using abortBroadcast when you detect your message has arrived. You say abortBroadcast doesn't work is the SMS definitely getting handled by your SMS receiver For anybody else wanting to do this read on... First..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText context BUTTON PRESSED Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show abortBroadcast And my main activity is the following public class mainActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created...
Suppress / Block BroastReceiver in another app
How Can i INTERCEPT an Incoming SMS With A specific Text messages. Although when a notification is shown the message won't be in the SMS Database yet so you will need to use abortBroadcast to stop other apps being notified. See example below public class MessageReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver public void.. SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdus 0 Log.i TAG messages.getMessageBody if messages.getMessageBody .contains Hi abortBroadcast And you would need to declare the receiver in the manifest like so receiver android name com.encima.smsreceiver.MessageReceiver..
Blocking outgoing SMS/MMS in android Toast toast Toast.makeText context BLOCKED Received SMS smsMessage 0 .getMessageBody Toast.LENGTH_LONG abortBroadcast for int i 0 i 8 i System.out.println Blocking SMS else if MSG_TYPE.equals android.provider.Telephony.SEND_SMS Toast.. Toast toast Toast.makeText context SMS SENT MSG_TYPE Toast.LENGTH_LONG abortBroadcast for int i 0 i 8 i System.out.println Blocking SMS else Toast toast Toast.makeText context SIN ELSE MSG_TYPE Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Blocking SMS else Toast toast Toast.makeText context SIN ELSE MSG_TYPE Toast.LENGTH_LONG abortBroadcast for int i 0 i 8 i System.out.println Blocking SMS The code works fine on Incoming SMS. Shows the Sms pdu on Toast..
Android: how to mark sms as read in onReceive how to mark sms as read in onReceive I can catch sms can see sender phone body I can abortBroadcast if I don't like this sms but I don't know how to just mark this sms as read that user can readit in box later. Any ideas..