android Programming Glossary: abort
decodeStream returns null for the actual sampling of the image. Otherwise we have to abort the http request. request.abort share improve this answer..
Trying to use SmbFileInputStream to connect my Android to my PC but the app aborts on my tablet with this error message The application has stopped.. PC When I try doing it in two steps the SmbFile does not abort but the SmbFileInputStream does. try sFile new SmbFile smb MIKE.. sFile When I try getting a file list the SmbFile does not abort but the sFile.list does. try sFile new SmbFile smb MIKE PC try..
Is checking SDK_INT enough or is lazy loading needed for using newer android APIs ? Why? in older devices this would be a RuntimeError which would abort the application see here and here . So is this way of conditionally.. in older devices this would be a RuntimeError which would abort the application For Android 1.x yes. So is this way of conditionally..
Secure HTTP Post in Android clearCookies httpClient.getCookieStore .clear public void abort try if httpClient null System.out.println Abort. httpPost.abort.. if httpClient null System.out.println Abort. httpPost.abort catch Exception e System.out.println Your App Name Here e..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 8619 Software caused connection abort 04 19 22 27 05.600 WARN System.err 8619 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative.. 8619 Software caused connection abort 04 19 22 27 05.717 WARN System.err 8619 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative.. m.invoke device 1 When connection will be Connected but aborted when you try reading call in some loop your method test again...
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask for the time the fetch operation runs. I want to cancel abort the AsyncTask run when the user cancels decides against the..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out Canceled Software caused connection abort I have tried using the UUID of 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805F9B34FB..
Send HTTP request through 3G network without using WiFi? ni cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if ni null no connectivity abort if ni.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI ni.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? This means that you can intercept incoming message and abort broadcasting of it further on. In your AndroidManifest.xml file..
Android: intentservice, how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue intentservice how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue i have an activity.. files from internet in background but i want to be able to abort a specific download......... So let's say that i put 5 files.. so on.... 1 Is there a way to say to the intent service abort what you are doing at the moment in the method handle event..
Android NDK build with ANT script failonerror true to the exec tasks this causes ant to abort if the make fails. Without it it'll just go right ahead and..
Bluetooth file transfer Android 5761 Software caused connection abort W System.err 5761 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative..
decodeStream returns null
Trying to use SmbFileInputStream of a question I asked last week. I'm trying to use SmbFileInputStream to connect my Android to my PC but the app aborts on my tablet with this error message The application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. I'm using Try Catch but.. worked try inFile new SmbFile smb MIKE PC_Network 123ABC@Mike PC When I try doing it in two steps the SmbFile does not abort but the SmbFileInputStream does. try sFile new SmbFile smb MIKE PC Users Public List1.txt try inFile new SmbFileInputStream.. PC Users Public List1.txt try inFile new SmbFileInputStream sFile When I try getting a file list the SmbFile does not abort but the sFile.list does. try sFile new SmbFile smb MIKE PC try lBuf sFile.list . . . I'm on a local network not a domain...
Is checking SDK_INT enough or is lazy loading needed for using newer android APIs ? Why? SharedPreferences Editor .apply V But I understand that in older devices this would be a RuntimeError which would abort the application see here and here . So is this way of conditionally calling new API methods safe in API 8 Froyo and above.. in Froyo This is perfectly normal. But I understand that in older devices this would be a RuntimeError which would abort the application For Android 1.x yes. So is this way of conditionally calling new API methods safe in API 8 Froyo and above..
Secure HTTP Post in Android myParams localContext new BasicHttpContext public void clearCookies httpClient.getCookieStore .clear public void abort try if httpClient null System.out.println Abort. httpPost.abort catch Exception e System.out.println Your App Name Here.. httpClient.getCookieStore .clear public void abort try if httpClient null System.out.println Abort. httpPost.abort catch Exception e System.out.println Your App Name Here e public String sendPost String url String data return sendPost..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? DEBUG ZeeTest 8619 Listening... 04 19 22 27 05.538 WARN System.err 8619 Software caused connection abort 04 19 22 27 05.600 WARN System.err 8619 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative Native Method ... 04 19 22 27 05.717.. Native Method ... 04 19 22 27 05.717 WARN System.err 8619 Software caused connection abort 04 19 22 27 05.717 WARN System.err 8619 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative Native Method ... 04 19 22 27 05.819.. 1 Also try to change argument value in range 1 3 in this m.invoke device 1 When connection will be Connected but aborted when you try reading call in some loop your method test again. As simple for int i 0 i 3 i if testDone test share improve..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask thread using AsyncTask . A Cancellable progress bar is shown for the time the fetch operation runs. I want to cancel abort the AsyncTask run when the user cancels decides against the operation. What is the ideal way to handle such a case android..
Android Bluetooth - Can't connect out session as well as these Operation Canceled Software caused connection abort I have tried using the UUID of 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805F9B34FB and I have also tried using the Method m device.getClass..
Send HTTP request through 3G network without using WiFi? Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo ni cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if ni null no connectivity abort if ni.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI ni.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX WifiManager wm WifiManager Context.getSystemService..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? the system which components should receive the broadcast first. This means that you can intercept incoming message and abort broadcasting of it further on. In your AndroidManifest.xml file make sure to have priority set to highest receiver android..
Android: intentservice, how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue intentservice how abort or skip a task in the handleintent queue i have an activity ApplicationActivity that call an intent service DownloadService.. intent service DownloadService The intentService download files from internet in background but i want to be able to abort a specific download......... So let's say that i put 5 files in queue file 1 2 3 4 5 The intent service start downloading.. service start downloading the number 1 then the second and so on.... 1 Is there a way to say to the intent service abort what you are doing at the moment in the method handle event in this case downloading file 1 and start downloading the next..
Android NDK build with ANT script running 'ant clean' will clean your native code. Updated Added failonerror true to the exec tasks this causes ant to abort if the make fails. Without it it'll just go right ahead and generate an APK with an invalid binary in it. Not good share..
Bluetooth file transfer Android 1008 D ReceiveService 5761 do while current 161280 W System.err 5761 Software caused connection abort W System.err 5761 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readNative Native Method W System.err 5761 at