android Programming Glossary: a.setduration
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? fromDegree toDegree centerX centerY DEPTH reverse a.reset a.setDuration DURATION a.setFillAfter true a.setInterpolator new AccelerateInterpolator..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? as a new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 100 a.setDuration 3000 i new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation.. float 1 Math.sin input Math.PI a.setInterpolator i a.setDuration 2000 layer2.startLayerAnimation a OnClickListener l1 new OnClickListener..
Rotating image. Animation list or animated rotate? (Android) getContext R.anim.progress_anim a.setDuration 1000 imageView.startAnimation a This will give you smooth animation.. getContext R.anim.progress_anim a.setDuration duration a.setInterpolator new Interpolator @Override public..
Android: Expand/collapse animation public boolean willChangeBounds return true 1dp ms a.setDuration int targtetHeight v.getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics.. public boolean willChangeBounds return true 1dp ms a.setDuration int initialHeight v.getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics..
How to implement expandable panels in Android? a new ExpandAnimation mCollapsedHeight mContentHeight a.setDuration 500 mContent.startAnimation a mExpanded mExpanded private class.. mContentHeight mListener.onExpand mHandle mContent a.setDuration mAnimationDuration mContent.startAnimation a mExpanded mExpanded..
How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android? 2.0f final Rotate3dAnimation a new Rotate3dAnimation fromDegree toDegree centerX centerY DEPTH reverse a.reset a.setDuration DURATION a.setFillAfter true a.setInterpolator new AccelerateInterpolator if listener null a.setAnimationListener new Animation.AnimationListener..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? float Math.sin input Math.PI as.setInterpolator i layer0.startLayerAnimation as a new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 100 a.setDuration 3000 i new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input float output float Math.sin Math.pow input.. @Override public float getInterpolation float input return float 1 Math.sin input Math.PI a.setInterpolator i a.setDuration 2000 layer2.startLayerAnimation a OnClickListener l1 new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View view
Rotating image. Animation list or animated rotate? (Android) repeatCount infinite File Animation a AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getContext R.anim.progress_anim a.setDuration 1000 imageView.startAnimation a This will give you smooth animation instead of 8 stepped. To fix this we need to implement.. final int frameCount final int duration Animation a AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getContext R.anim.progress_anim a.setDuration duration a.setInterpolator new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input return float Math.floor..
Android: Expand/collapse animation int targtetHeight interpolatedTime v.requestLayout @Override public boolean willChangeBounds return true 1dp ms a.setDuration int targtetHeight v.getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density v.startAnimation a public static void collapse.. int initialHeight interpolatedTime v.requestLayout @Override public boolean willChangeBounds return true 1dp ms a.setDuration int initialHeight v.getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density v.startAnimation a share improve this answer..
How to implement expandable panels in Android? a new ExpandAnimation mContentHeight mCollapsedHeight else a new ExpandAnimation mCollapsedHeight mContentHeight a.setDuration 500 mContent.startAnimation a mExpanded mExpanded private class ExpandAnimation extends Animation private final int mStartHeight.. mHandle mContent else a new ExpandAnimation mCollapsedHeight mContentHeight mListener.onExpand mHandle mContent a.setDuration mAnimationDuration mContent.startAnimation a mExpanded mExpanded private class ExpandAnimation extends Animation private..