android Programming Glossary: aa
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar View viewList private Dialog dialogMarketList String a a aa private View header @SuppressLint NewApi @Override protected..
get android contact phone number list Activity String phoneNumber ListView lv ArrayList String aa new ArrayList String @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. System.out.println .................. phoneNumber aa.add phoneNumber phones.close close cursor ArrayAdapter String.. String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 aa lv.setAdapter adapter display contact numbers in the list snap..
Android and MJPEG String items.add 00408C944B9A final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. String items.add 00408C944B9A final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. items myListView.setAdapter aa myListView.setOnItemClickListener listClicked private OnItemClickListener..
What is “android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1”? bind the array to the listView final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. the array to the listView final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. todoItems myListView.setAdapter aa I can't understand exactly this code especially this line android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1..
Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue ArrayList DataItem dataItems private DataItemAdapter aa private ListView dataListView @Override public void onCreate.. new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter.. this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa dataListView.setItemsCanFocus true populateArray public void..
Listview error: “Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''” mContext List mList String testcontacts MessageView aa null @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. getResources .getStringArray R.array.testcontacts_array aa new MessageView lv getListView ListView lv.findViewById Had to comment out it cannot find list lv.setAdapter aa lv.setTextFilterEnabled true lv.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener..
How to make a background transparent 20% in android two hex digits are for the alpha channel. The format is #AARRGGBB where AA is the alpha channel RR is the red channel GG.. are for the alpha channel. The format is #AARRGGBB where AA is the alpha channel RR is the red channel GG is the green channel..
How to find out which key was used to sign an app? get certificate fingerprints like this MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB SHA1 16 59 E7 E3 0C AA 7A 0D.. 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB SHA1 16 59 E7 E3 0C AA 7A 0D F2 0D 05 20 12 A8 85 0B 32 C5 4F 68 Signature algorithm.. PrivateKeyEntry Certificate fingerprint MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB Voila we can now determined..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment 137 College Road Manchester Greater Manchester M16 0AA UK end_address 6 Ealing Place Manchester M19 UK start_location.. polyline points ctfeIh yLrBaEdAoB`@w@N BKDM@Q@M WC AAgAGyG mAI GG JM_HAo@ travel_mode DRIVING start_location.. points ymfeIz wLJ@v@TL@N H HAHCJEXKhAy@JGTEH BAzAExAAN z@Cb@ dA d@AdFKxCGfCC travel_mode DRIVING start_location..
Android Studio: Use AndroidAnnotations aa with intelliJ now it works like a charm does. AA intelliJ config page will point you to this post... http up various libs in intelliJ scroll towards the bottom for AA. The main thing I had to do that I did not have to do in eclipse.. and set my Processor Path to something like... PATH TO AA JARS androidannotations 2.7.jar PATH TO AA JARS androidannotations..
Keytool alias does not exist Here the MD5 certificate fingerprint is 64 88 A2 FC AA 9F B1 B0 CA E4 D0 24 A8 1E 77 FB This is working but I am getting..
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar public class MainActivity extends Activity private View viewList private Dialog dialogMarketList String a a aa private View header @SuppressLint NewApi @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
get android contact phone number list public class MainActivity extends Activity String phoneNumber ListView lv ArrayList String aa new ArrayList String @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. phones.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER System.out.println .................. phoneNumber aa.add phoneNumber phones.close close cursor ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. close cursor ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 aa lv.setAdapter adapter display contact numbers in the list snap shot Make sure you have this in manifest uses permission..
Android and MJPEG final ArrayList String items new ArrayList String items.add 00408C944B9A final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 items myListView.setAdapter aa myListView.setOnItemClickListener.. final ArrayList String items new ArrayList String items.add 00408C944B9A final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 items myListView.setAdapter aa myListView.setOnItemClickListener.. String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 items myListView.setAdapter aa myListView.setOnItemClickListener listClicked private OnItemClickListener listClicked new OnItemClickListener public void..
What is “android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1”? todoItems new ArrayList String Create the array adapter to bind the array to the listView final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 todoItems myListView.setAdapter aa I can't understand.. todoItems new ArrayList String Create the array adapter to bind the array to the listView final ArrayAdapter String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 todoItems myListView.setAdapter aa I can't understand.. String aa aa new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 todoItems myListView.setAdapter aa I can't understand exactly this code especially this line android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 Thank you Regards android..
Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue code listing... public class main extends Activity private ArrayList DataItem dataItems private DataItemAdapter aa private ListView dataListView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. dataListView ListView findViewById dataItems new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa dataListView.setItemsCanFocus true populateArray public.. new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa dataListView.setItemsCanFocus true populateArray public void populateArray DataItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430..
Listview error: “Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''” unable to fix my code. The Declaration private ListView lv Context mContext List mList String testcontacts MessageView aa null @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.firstlist.. setContentView R.layout.firstlist testcontacts getResources .getStringArray R.array.testcontacts_array aa new MessageView lv getListView ListView lv.findViewById Had to comment out it cannot find list lv.setAdapter aa.. new MessageView lv getListView ListView lv.findViewById Had to comment out it cannot find list lv.setAdapter aa lv.setTextFilterEnabled true lv.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView parent..
How to make a background transparent 20% in android CC is the hex number for 255 0.8 204 . Note that the first two hex digits are for the alpha channel. The format is #AARRGGBB where AA is the alpha channel RR is the red channel GG is the green channel and BB is the blue channel. I'm assuming.. number for 255 0.8 204 . Note that the first two hex digits are for the alpha channel. The format is #AARRGGBB where AA is the alpha channel RR is the red channel GG is the green channel and BB is the blue channel. I'm assuming that 20 transparent..
How to find out which key was used to sign an app? issue this command keytool printcert file ANDROID_.RSA You will get certificate fingerprints like this MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB SHA1 16 59 E7 E3 0C AA 7A 0D F2 0D 05 20 12 A8 85 0B 32 C5 4F 68 Signature algorithm name.. will get certificate fingerprints like this MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB SHA1 16 59 E7 E3 0C AA 7A 0D F2 0D 05 20 12 A8 85 0B 32 C5 4F 68 Signature algorithm name SHA1withRSA Then use the keytool again to print out all.. and their certificate fingerprint android_key Jan 23 2010 PrivateKeyEntry Certificate fingerprint MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB Voila we can now determined the apk has been signed with this keystore and with the alias..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment 4.5 mi end_location lng 2.19414 lat 53.43052 start_address 137 College Road Manchester Greater Manchester M16 0AA UK end_address 6 Ealing Place Manchester M19 UK start_location lng 2.26773 lat 53.45106000000001 via_waypoint steps.. 729 text 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25758 lat 53.45005 polyline points ctfeIh yLrBaEdAoB`@w@N BKDM@Q@M WC AAgAGyG mAI GG JM_HAo@ travel_mode DRIVING start_location lng 2.26773 lat 53.45106000000001 html_instructions.. 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25703 lat 53.44339 polyline points ymfeIz wLJ@v@TL@N H HAHCJEXKhAy@JGTEH BAzAExAAN z@Cb@ dA d@AdFKxCGfCC travel_mode DRIVING start_location lng 2.25758 lat 53.45005 html_instructions Turn..
Android Studio: Use AndroidAnnotations I had the same issues followed the instructions for configuring aa with intelliJ now it works like a charm does. AA intelliJ config page will point you to this post... http 2012 12 setting up intellij idea 12 with maven.. ...the above post walks you through setting up various libs in intelliJ scroll towards the bottom for AA. The main thing I had to do that I did not have to do in eclipse was go to Preferences Compiler Annotation Processors and.. in eclipse was go to Preferences Compiler Annotation Processors and set my Processor Path to something like... PATH TO AA JARS androidannotations 2.7.jar PATH TO AA JARS androidannotations api 2.7.jar PATH TO AA JARS codemodel 2.4.1.jar share..
Keytool alias does not exist D AndroidKeystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android Here the MD5 certificate fingerprint is 64 88 A2 FC AA 9F B1 B0 CA E4 D0 24 A8 1E 77 FB This is working but I am getting small error here this is my path C ANDROID Java jdk1.6.0..