android Programming Glossary: a.getresourceid
Android Gallery zoom in/out R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 1 a.recycle..
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? attrs new int android.R.attr.inflatedId 0 0 mContainerId a.getResourceId 0 0 a.recycle super.setOnTabChangedListener this If owner hasn't.. attrs new int android.R.attr.inflatedId 0 0 mContainerId a.getResourceId 0 0 a.recycle super.setOnTabChangedListener this REMOVE THE..
Android Hello, Gallery tutorial — “R.styleable cannot be resolved” R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle..
How to implement expandable panels in Android? 0.0f int handleId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_handle 0 if handleId 0 throw new.. required and must refer to a valid child. int contentId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_content 0 if contentId 0 throw.. 500 int handleId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_handle 0 if handleId 0 throw new..
Horizontal scrolling in android gridview R.styleable.HelloGallery mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle..
how to get Theme attributes values
Android gallery with caption R.styleable.HelloGallery mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle..
Android GalleryView Recycling R.styleable.HelloGallery mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle..
setTextAppearance through code referencing custom attribute attrs new int R.attr.TextAppearance_Footer int id a.getResourceId R.attr.TextAppearance_Footer defValue textView.setTextAppearance..
Access resource defined in theme and attrs.xml android new int R.attr.homeIcon int attributeResourceId a.getResourceId 0 0 Drawable drawable getResources .getDrawable attributeResourceId..
Android Gallery zoom in/out styleable that defines Gallery1. TypedArray a obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 1 a.recycle mDensity c.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density public..
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? attrs TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs new int android.R.attr.inflatedId 0 0 mContainerId a.getResourceId 0 0 a.recycle super.setOnTabChangedListener this If owner hasn't made its own view hierarchy then as a convenience we will.. attrs TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs new int android.R.attr.inflatedId 0 0 mContainerId a.getResourceId 0 0 a.recycle super.setOnTabChangedListener this REMOVE THE REST OF THIS FUNCTION findViewById IS NULL..
Android Hello, Gallery tutorial — “R.styleable cannot be resolved” ImageAdapter Context c mContext c TypedArray a c.obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle This solution basically defines the styleable attribute as..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] styleable that defines Gallery1. TypedArray a obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle public int getCount return mImageIds.length public Object..
How to implement expandable panels in Android? in collapsed state mCollapsedHeight int a.getDimension R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_collapsedHeight 0.0f int handleId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_handle 0 if handleId 0 throw new IllegalArgumentException The handle attribute is required.. throw new IllegalArgumentException The handle attribute is required and must refer to a valid child. int contentId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_content 0 if contentId 0 throw new IllegalArgumentException The content attribute is required.. animation should take mAnimationDuration a.getInteger R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_animationDuration 500 int handleId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_handle 0 if handleId 0 throw new IllegalArgumentException The handle attribute is required..
Horizontal scrolling in android gridview GridAdapter Context c mContext c TypedArray a obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.HelloGallery mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle public int getCount return mImageIds.length public Object..
how to get Theme attributes values
Android gallery with caption ImageAdapter Context c mContext c TypedArray a obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.HelloGallery mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle public int getCount return mImageIds.length public..
Android GalleryView Recycling Context c mContext c TypedArray a c.obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.HelloGallery mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground 0 a.recycle public int getCount return mImageIds.length public Object..
setTextAppearance through code referencing custom attribute you should try this TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs new int R.attr.TextAppearance_Footer int id a.getResourceId R.attr.TextAppearance_Footer defValue textView.setTextAppearance this id EDIT Correct Tested Code Resources.Theme theme..
Access resource defined in theme and attrs.xml android