android Programming Glossary: abc
android Multiple selection ListView & Textview item_email.add item_id.add 2 item_name.add abc item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add item_id.add.. 2 item_name.add abc item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add item_id.add 3 item_name.add xyz item_balance.add..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android View.VISIBLE img.setImageBitmap newbitmap byte abc bitmapToByteArray newbitmap if txt_phototext.getText .toString.. if txt_phototext.getText .toString .equals submit.put abc else submit.put abc txt_phototext.getText .toString executeMultipartPost.. .toString .equals submit.put abc else submit.put abc txt_phototext.getText .toString executeMultipartPost ..
http post method passing null values to the server httppost new HttpPost your url only ex abc httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpParams..
How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url with respect to a search term such that if you entered abc in the search box it will call the url http something.. box it will call the url http something abc something . It loads fine until I have an invalid searchterm..
OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails return to http redirect.aspx oauth_token abc and have that page redirect to myapp oauth_token ... the desired..
Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter? i click on my button public void onClick View arg0 String abc abc m_adapter.getFilter .filter abc However when i click on.. on my button public void onClick View arg0 String abc abc m_adapter.getFilter .filter abc However when i click on my.. View arg0 String abc abc m_adapter.getFilter .filter abc However when i click on my button my app terminate unexpectedly...
how to url encode in android? in Java SE try String url http id 123 art abc String encodedurl URLEncoder.encode url UTF 8 Log.d TEST encodedurl..
Android - Textview change color on changing of state this xml as you background if your xml is ' res drawable abc.xml ' then set background as android background @drawable abc.. ' then set background as android background @drawable abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml.. abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http.. while writing Serializable object to external storage? activity class to save it MyClass m new MyClass this hello abc true boolean result m.saveObject m any help would be appreciated...
How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programatically? works. One preference I have is ListPreference android key abc android title @string abc android summary @string cde android.. is ListPreference android key abc android title @string abc android summary @string cde android persistent true How can.. android.preference.DialogPreference prefMgr.findPreference abc .showDialog null but is says it is a protected method... Called..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact taking place. Lets say you add two contacts with same name abc. Here the _ID for raw contacts increments twice while _ID for..
How to go to a particular activity on list item click? import android.widget.Toast import public class listview extends Activity implements OnItemClickListener.. position long id if position 0 Intent i new Intent this abc.class startActivity i Toast.makeText this You pressed the.. activity activity android enabled true android name abc application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 uses permission..
REST and SOAP webservice in android new HttpGet wsdlURL request.addHeader company name abc request.addHeader getAccessNumbers http ResponseHandler..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically response.toString public String getFinalString String ABC String arg0 String arg1 String arg2 parse the template and replace.. patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG..
Android check for dependent application during installation? during installation Hi I want to publish my application ABC . Its an audiobook file just for example. wrapped as apk. When.. to install the application XYZ first before installing ABC. Thanks in advance Rajesh android installation share improve..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Intent contentIntent new Intent this ABC.class Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon.. notification.setLatestEventInfo this ABC msg PendingIntent.getActivity this.getBaseContext 0 contentIntent..
String[] whereArgs parameter of database method in android to make a delete query delete from InfoTable where name ABC and id 23 then the query should be delete InfoTable name AND..
android string.xml reading html tags problem question Use XML CDATA string name demoStr Data CDATA b ABC b Data string getString will be got b ABC b share improve..
How to access Letter Recognizer API in Android? implemented a letter recognizer manually by drawing the ABC letters to a gesture raw file and using the regular mLibrary.recognize..
How to use SpannableString with Regex in android? static String StringReplace String source String find ABC SpannableString replace new SpannableString find replace.setSpan.. R.layout.main String dispStr This has the string ABCDEF in it nSo does this ABCDEF see nAnd again ABCD here TextView.. dispStr This has the string ABCDEF in it nSo does this ABCDEF see nAnd again ABCD here TextView tv TextView findViewById..
Parsing CDATA in android to see the data. Here is my XML BookData book Title CDATA ABC Title AuthorFName1 CDATA A AuthorFName1 AuthorLName1 CDATA B..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? result.toString private final static String HEX 0123456789ABCDEF private static void appendHex StringBuffer sb byte b sb.append.. the password before passing it to PBEKeySpec . For example ABC becomes 004100420043 . In fact you might as well use a char..
how to get two dimensional string Array from one Activity to other [closed] and use your data anywhere in your application as Class ABC implements Serializable private static final long serialVersionUID.. final long serialVersionUID 1L String str private static ABC singletonObject public static ABC getSingletonObject if singletonObject.. str private static ABC singletonObject public static ABC getSingletonObject if singletonObject null singletonObject..
android Multiple selection ListView & Textview item_id.add 1 item_name.add China item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add item_id.add 2 item_name.add abc item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add item_id.add 3 item_name.add xyz item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add.. 4000 item_email.add item_id.add 2 item_name.add abc item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add item_id.add 3 item_name.add xyz item_balance.add 4000 item_email.add item_id.add 4 item_name.add..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 50 bs img.setVisibility View.VISIBLE img.setImageBitmap newbitmap byte abc bitmapToByteArray newbitmap if txt_phototext.getText .toString .equals submit.put abc else submit.put abc txt_phototext.getText.. newbitmap byte abc bitmapToByteArray newbitmap if txt_phototext.getText .toString .equals submit.put abc else submit.put abc txt_phototext.getText .toString executeMultipartPost PD1.dismiss else AlertDialog.Builder.. byte abc bitmapToByteArray newbitmap if txt_phototext.getText .toString .equals submit.put abc else submit.put abc txt_phototext.getText .toString executeMultipartPost PD1.dismiss else AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder..
http post method passing null values to the server server try HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost your url only ex abc httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams DefaultHttpClient..
How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url using an authenticated webview for my app.There is a url called with respect to a search term such that if you entered abc in the search box it will call the url http something abc something . It loads fine until I have an invalid.. to a search term such that if you entered abc in the search box it will call the url http something abc something . It loads fine until I have an invalid searchterm say if I type in INVALIDCRAP it will still take the url as..
OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails
Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter? is filtered when i click on the button. For instance when i click on my button public void onClick View arg0 String abc abc m_adapter.getFilter .filter abc However when i click on my button my app terminate unexpectedly. Here is my code for.. filtered when i click on the button. For instance when i click on my button public void onClick View arg0 String abc abc m_adapter.getFilter .filter abc However when i click on my button my app terminate unexpectedly. Here is my code for the.. For instance when i click on my button public void onClick View arg0 String abc abc m_adapter.getFilter .filter abc However when i click on my button my app terminate unexpectedly. Here is my code for the arrayadapter and filter. Please..
how to url encode in android? URL encoding is done in the same way on android as in Java SE try String url http id 123 art abc String encodedurl URLEncoder.encode url UTF 8 Log.d TEST encodedurl catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace..
Android - Textview change color on changing of state specify image for each event state and you can you can set this xml as you background if your xml is ' res drawable abc.xml ' then set background as android background @drawable abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml.. this xml as you background if your xml is ' res drawable abc.xml ' then set background as android background @drawable abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http.. ' then set background as android background @drawable abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_selected.. while writing Serializable object to external storage? Exception e do nothing return keep and calling from activity class to save it MyClass m new MyClass this hello abc true boolean result m.saveObject m any help would be appreciated. android serialization share improve this question ..
How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programatically? can open preferences click on each item and edit them all works. One preference I have is ListPreference android key abc android title @string abc android summary @string cde android persistent true How can I show the preference dialog to a.. on each item and edit them all works. One preference I have is ListPreference android key abc android title @string abc android summary @string cde android persistent true How can I show the preference dialog to a user automatically without.. to go to the preference screen and click on it . I tried android.preference.DialogPreference prefMgr.findPreference abc .showDialog null but is says it is a protected method... Called it from my main activity which is a PreferenceActivity that's..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact remains same until there is any contact aggregation taking place. Lets say you add two contacts with same name abc. Here the _ID for raw contacts increments twice while _ID for contacts increments only once as these two contacts gets merged..
How to go to a particular activity on list item click? android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.Toast import public class listview extends Activity implements OnItemClickListener public ListView lv1 public String names Abc Xyz Pqr.. @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView a View v int position long id if position 0 Intent i new Intent this abc.class startActivity i Toast.makeText this You pressed the first item in the list Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Toast.makeText.. android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent filter activity activity android enabled true android name abc application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET manifest Please..
REST and SOAP webservice in android HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet request new HttpGet wsdlURL request.addHeader company name abc request.addHeader getAccessNumbers http ResponseHandler String handler new BasicResponseHandler try ..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically if bodyIn instanceof SoapFault throw SoapFault bodyIn return response.toString public String getFinalString String ABC String arg0 String arg1 String arg2 parse the template and replace all keywords HashMap String String hashMap new HashMap.. sb new StringBuffer try find all keywords Pattern patern Pattern.compile . Matcher matcher patern.matcher ABC while matcher.find String keyName 1 Log.i LOG_TAG Key Name keyName String keyValue hashMap.get keyName..
Android check for dependent application during installation? check for dependent application during installation Hi I want to publish my application ABC . Its an audiobook file just for example. wrapped as apk. When the user install this application it needs to check whether.. already installed or not. If not let the user know they have to install the application XYZ first before installing ABC. Thanks in advance Rajesh android installation share improve this question If you know the package name of the application..
Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate() msg notificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Intent contentIntent new Intent this ABC.class Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon msg System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo.. notification new Notification R.drawable.icon msg System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo this ABC msg PendingIntent.getActivity this.getBaseContext 0 contentIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL..
String[] whereArgs parameter of database method in android
android string.xml reading html tags problem
How to access Letter Recognizer API in Android? the same comment above in the code there's nothing. I've implemented a letter recognizer manually by drawing the ABC letters to a gesture raw file and using the regular mLibrary.recognize gesture API but the success rate is not very high..
How to use SpannableString with Regex in android? and regular expressions in Android using this function public static String StringReplace String source String find ABC SpannableString replace new SpannableString find replace.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan Color.RED 0 1 Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main String dispStr This has the string ABCDEF in it nSo does this ABCDEF see nAnd again ABCD here TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText dispStr.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main String dispStr This has the string ABCDEF in it nSo does this ABCDEF see nAnd again ABCD here TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText dispStr changeTextinView tv ABC..
Parsing CDATA in android I read it and parse it There is no any error But I'm unable to see the data. Here is my XML BookData book Title CDATA ABC Title AuthorFName1 CDATA A AuthorFName1 AuthorLName1 CDATA B AuthorLName1 book book Title CDATA XYZ Title AuthorFName1 CDATA..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? for int i 0 i buf.length i appendHex result buf i return result.toString private final static String HEX 0123456789ABCDEF private static void appendHex StringBuffer sb byte b sb.append HEX.charAt b 4 0x0f .append HEX.charAt b 0x0f Source.. contain only 8 bit characters of all 16 bit characters in the password before passing it to PBEKeySpec . For example ABC becomes 004100420043 . In fact you might as well use a char array as a parameter for the password since for security purposes..
how to get two dimensional string Array from one Activity to other [closed] answer Make a Serializable Class for getter and setter and use your data anywhere in your application as Class ABC implements Serializable private static final long serialVersionUID 1L String str private static ABC singletonObject public.. as Class ABC implements Serializable private static final long serialVersionUID 1L String str private static ABC singletonObject public static ABC getSingletonObject if singletonObject null singletonObject new ABC return singletonObject.. Serializable private static final long serialVersionUID 1L String str private static ABC singletonObject public static ABC getSingletonObject if singletonObject null singletonObject new ABC return singletonObject public void setString String..