android Programming Glossary: ab
Android action bar with two stretched buttons the Action bar. Within you Custom View's layout then worry about setting up the buttons width. Telling the activity to use.. setContentView R.layout.activity_main final ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled false ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled.. R.layout.activity_main final ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled false ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..
ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides android layout_height match_parent android background @drawable your_desired_background TextView android id @ id title android.. this in onCreate private void setupActionBar ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled.. private void setupActionBar ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..
ActionBarSherlock - Tabs appearing ABOVE actionbar with custom view Tabs appearing ABOVE actionbar with custom view I Am trying to.. custom.setGravity Gravity.CENTER custom.setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.background_grad_grey_rounded.. custom.setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.background_grad_grey_rounded ImageView image new..
actionbar up navigation with fragments up navigation with fragments I have a tabbed Actionbar viewpager layout with three tabs say A B and C.. I have a tabbed Actionbar viewpager layout with three tabs say A B and C . In tab C tab fragment I am adding another fragment.. viewpager layout with three tabs say A B and C . In tab C tab fragment I am adding another fragment say fragment D ...
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name.. 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android.. app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Android video streaming example [closed] want to stream your webcam or... click on Capture Device tab and do the configuration and finally click on Stream button... do the streaming server configuration just go to Option tab and paste the following command sout #transcode vcodec mp4v.. vcodec mp4v vb 400 fps 10 width 176 height 144 acodec mp4a ab 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? for both Android and IOS using one file p.s. I know all about html5 video and the fallback sources I just don't want to.. qmin 10 qmax 51 qdiff 4 acodec libfaac ac 1 ar 16000 r 13 ab 32000 aspect 3 2 # output_file Some of the important options.. for maximum compatibility across all Android devices. The above command line doesn't explicitly specify an H.264 profile..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? uploading .doc file to .Net WCF from my Android app. I am able to send file but it is not supported on WCF end. Here is my.. file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray 0 bytearray.length while ab 0 InputStream.. file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray 0 bytearray.length while ab 0 InputStream..
Android action bar with two stretched buttons reason one way to achieve this is by using a custom view on the Action bar. Within you Custom View's layout then worry about setting up the buttons width. Telling the activity to use a custom view for the action bar @Override public void onCreate.. Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main final ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled false ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false final LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main final ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled false ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false final LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater getSystemService..
ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides apk res android android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android background @drawable your_desired_background TextView android id @ id title android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. Then in your Activity you would want to call a method like this in onCreate private void setupActionBar ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false ab.setIcon R.drawable.your_left_action_icon.. Activity you would want to call a method like this in onCreate private void setupActionBar ActionBar ab getActionBar ab.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true ab.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false ab.setIcon R.drawable.your_left_action_icon LayoutInflater..
ActionBarSherlock - Tabs appearing ABOVE actionbar with custom view Tabs appearing ABOVE actionbar with custom view I Am trying to create an actionbar without the app logo text and with a centralised.. LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT custom.setLayoutParams params custom.setGravity Gravity.CENTER custom.setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.background_grad_grey_rounded ImageView image new ImageView getApplicationContext.. custom.setLayoutParams params custom.setGravity Gravity.CENTER custom.setBackgroundDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.background_grad_grey_rounded ImageView image new ImageView getApplicationContext image.setBackgroundResource..
actionbar up navigation with fragments up navigation with fragments I have a tabbed Actionbar viewpager layout with three tabs say A B and C . In tab C tab fragment I am adding another fragment say fragment.. up navigation with fragments I have a tabbed Actionbar viewpager layout with three tabs say A B and C . In tab C tab fragment I am adding another fragment say fragment D . with DFragment f new DFragment ft.add.. up navigation with fragments I have a tabbed Actionbar viewpager layout with three tabs say A B and C . In tab C tab fragment I am adding another fragment say fragment D . with DFragment f new DFragment ft.add
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging apk res android package com.exampleservice android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter.. com.exampleservice android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name.. application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
Android video streaming example [closed] Media Streaming Ctrl S 2 Select a file to stream or if you want to stream your webcam or... click on Capture Device tab and do the configuration and finally click on Stream button. 3 Here you should do the streaming server configuration just.. and finally click on Stream button. 3 Here you should do the streaming server configuration just go to Option tab and paste the following command sout #transcode vcodec mp4v vb 400 fps 10 width 176 height 144 acodec mp4a ab 32 channels.. Option tab and paste the following command sout #transcode vcodec mp4v vb 400 fps 10 width 176 height 144 acodec mp4a ab 32 channels 1 samplerate 22050 rtp sdp rtsp YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR 5544 NOTE Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? actually work cross platform. Does anybody know how to encode for both Android and IOS using one file p.s. I know all about html5 video and the fallback sources I just don't want to encode and host a new video for every device that comes down.. 16 g 250 keyint_min 25 sc_threshold 40 i_qfactor 0.71 qmin 10 qmax 51 qdiff 4 acodec libfaac ac 1 ar 16000 r 13 ab 32000 aspect 3 2 # output_file Some of the important options affecting Android compatibility are coder 0 Uses CAVLAC rather.. it's best to stick with baseline profile for H.264 encoding for maximum compatibility across all Android devices. The above command line doesn't explicitly specify an H.264 profile but ffmpeg does have a profile command line flag that is useful..
Uploading MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF? MS Word files from Android to .Net WCF I have problem in uploading .doc file to .Net WCF from my Android app. I am able to send file but it is not supported on WCF end. Here is my method for uploading protected void checkinmethod String rid.. file new File SDCardRoot rid .doc InputStream in new FileInputStream file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray 0 bytearray.length while ab 0 InputStream mystream new ByteArrayInputStream bytearray InputStreamEntity.. File SDCardRoot rid .doc InputStream in new FileInputStream file byte bytearray new byte int file.length int ab 0 do ab bytearray 0 bytearray.length while ab 0 InputStream mystream new ByteArrayInputStream bytearray InputStreamEntity..