python Programming Glossary: serializers.serialize
Django ease of building a RESTful interface import serializers from models import Book data serializers.serialize xml Book.objects.all Combine the two with decorators and you.. args kwargs result func args kwargs return HttpResponse serializers.serialize xml result mimetype text xml return wrapper @xml_view def index..
Django JSON Serialization with Mixed Django models and a Dictionary to use either simplejson to serialize a dict or Django's serializers.serialize to serialize a model but when I mix them together I get errors...
Generate XML file from model data from the model from django.core import serializers data serializers.serialize 'xml' myModel.objects.filter instanceIwantTowrite fields 'fieldName'..
Converting a django ValuesQuerySet to a json object 'fileName' 'id' .filter ownerUser user data serializers.serialize 'json' objectList return HttpResponse data mimetype 'application.. ConventionCard.objects.filter ownerUser user data serializers.serialize 'json' objectQuerySet fields 'fileName' 'id' share improve..
How do you serialize a model instance in Django?