python Programming Glossary: sent3
Named Entity Recognition for NLTK in Python. Identifying the NE sent1 nltk.word_tokenize sentence sent2 nltk.pos_tag sent1 sent3 nltk.ne_chunk sent2 binary True sent3 Tree 'S' 'I' 'PRP' 'am'.. nltk.pos_tag sent1 sent3 nltk.ne_chunk sent2 binary True sent3 Tree 'S' 'I' 'PRP' 'am' 'VBP' Tree 'NE' 'Jhon' 'NNP' 'from'.. accessing the element in this tree i did it as follows sent3 0 'I' 'PRP' sent3 0 0 'I' sent3 0 1 'PRP' But when accessing..