php Programming Glossary: yyy
C# Encryption to PHP Decryption sensitive information removed DisplayName xxx Username yyy EmailAddress zzz So I login to the C# app which creates encodes.. this is now the result string 96 DisplayName xxx Username yyy EmailAddress ï¿ ï¿½ï¿½ �J��k VV vï¿ ï¿ ï¿½B`7^ As you can see it starts..
Using PHP and google Maps Api to work out distance between 2 post codes (UK) . The format of the q parameter should be from xxx 20to yyy . Replace xxx and yyy with the start and destination respectively... q parameter should be from xxx 20to yyy . Replace xxx and yyy with the start and destination respectively. You can use latitude..
Passing user-defined types in PHP SOAP arrRes 'Result' 'name' 'xxx' arrRes 'Result' 'title' 'yyy' arrRes 'Result' 'lang' 'zzz' arrRes 'Result' 'hehehehe1' 'test1'.. array 2 Result array 7 name string 3 xxx title string 3 yyy lang string 3 zzz hehehehe1 string 5 test1 hehehehe2 string..
how i can add watermark to existing pdf file using php and the FPDI Classes function PlaceWatermark file text xxx yyy op outdir require_once 'fpdf.php' require_once 'fpdi.php' name.. 1 1 0 0 TRUE Put the watermark pdf Image name.'.png' xxx yyy 0 0 'png' if outdir TRUE return pdf Output else return pdf PlaceWatermark..