php Programming Glossary: yahoo
Converting words to numbers in PHP The best I could find was some pseudo code on Ask Yahoo. See http question index qid 20090216103754AAONnDz..
Sending mass email using PHP Another question If all 5000 subscribers are using Yahoo Mail will Yahoo treat it as a DDOS attack and block the IP address.. question If all 5000 subscribers are using Yahoo Mail will Yahoo treat it as a DDOS attack and block the IP address of my SMTP..
PHP: Force file download and IE, yet again Excel files. When the user clicks on a link in their GMail Yahoo Mail Outlook to that Excel file I want the File Save dialog..
Yahoo Weather API WOEID retrieval Weather API WOEID retrieval I'm creating an app PHP that takes.. grab the location code or WOEID without doing it manually. Yahoos API sends back an RSS feed as long as you provide a WOEID http.. share improve this question Why not just use the Yahoo GeoPlanet service to resolve a place to a WOEID Or use the YQL..
Cross Domain Single Selective Sign In against their OpenID provider whether it be Google or Yahoo or a specialist like myOpenID . From there it would look like..
Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site pretty sure it's a workable language to use Facebook and Yahoo give it great precedence but are there any experiences I should..
PHP APIs for Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo? [closed] APIs for Hotmail Gmail and Yahoo closed I am a PHP developer who is kind of in a pickle. I'm.. locate and or build an API capable of speaking to Hotmail Yahoo and GMAIL in order to retrieve contact lists with the user's.. question Some pointers Gmail Google Contacts Data API Yahoo Address Book API deprecated Contacts API Hotmail Windows Live..
How to get the tag “<yweather:condition>” from Yahoo Weather RSS in PHP? to get the tag &ldquo yweather condition &rdquo from Yahoo Weather RSS in PHP php doc new DOMDocument doc load 'http
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? provider is an openid provider endpoint including Google Yahoo Aol. Some of them requrie the user to specify the username to..
Extract URL from string extract that url and make it a hyperlink. Similar to how Yahoo Answers does it. Does anyone know a reliable solution that can..
Extract JSONP Resultset in PHP ResultSet Query yahoo Result symbol YHOO name Yahoo Inc. exch NMS type S exchDisp NASDAQ typeDisp Equity symbol.. typeDisp Equity symbol ETD name Citigroup Inc. ELKS On Yahoo exch PCX type S typeDisp Equity symbol YOJ.BE name YAHOO JAPAN..
Track when user hits back button on the browser from below Wow all excellent answers. I'd like to use Yahoo but I already use Prototype and Scriptaculous libs and dont..
Call a REST API in PHP it but the only thing that came up was an already expired Yahoo tutorial on how to call the service. Not mentioning the headers..
email address validation [duplicate] i validate the email address to email provider just like yahoo scenario how can i validate it to to email provider just like yahoo scenario how can i validate it to that the email stated.. yahoo scenario how can i validate it to that the email stated above is valid Thanks in Advance...
Programmatically access currency exchange rates [closed] You can get currency conversions in a simple format from yahoo For example to convert from GBP to EUR http example to convert from GBP to EUR http d quotes.csv s GBPEUR X f sl1d1t1ba e .csv share improve..
Yahoo Weather API WOEID retrieval API WOEID retrieval I'm creating an app PHP that takes yahoo weather data from the free RSS feed and correlates it with a.. an RSS feed as long as you provide a WOEID http forecastrss w 4097 Is there an ethical way of doing.. tells me I have to write a script that would search yahoo using the term and grab the first WOEID but I would assume yahoo..
Alternatives to Yahoo Pipes a pipe into PHP or Ruby php ruby on rails open source yahoo pipes share improve this question You can generate a Python..
sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder and ending up in the junk folder i have no problems with yahoo gmail only with hotmail. google suggested that this is a common..
php-openID doesn't work with Yahoo! still work for Yahoo . how can i made it works php openid yahoo janrain share improve this question wow it is solved now..
PHP APIs for Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo? [closed] project and it seems to perform well. php api gmail yahoo hotmail share improve this question Some pointers Gmail..
How to get the tag “<yweather:condition>” from Yahoo Weather RSS in PHP? RSS in PHP php doc new DOMDocument doc load 'http forecastrss p VEXX0024 u c' channel doc getElementsByTagName.. code 30 temp 30 date Fri 16 Jul 2010 8 30 am AST php yahoo share improve this question Something like echo itemgotten.. echo itemgotten getElementsByTagNameNS http ns rss 1.0 condition item 0 getAttribute temp The key is..
How import contact from yahoo/gmail/hotmail using php script import contact from yahoo gmail hotmail using php script How can we import contact from.. hotmail using php script How can we import contact from yahoo gmail hotmail using php script and or using curl. Thanks php.. curl. Thanks php curl share improve this question yahoo gmail and hotmail have exposed the services to grab contacts...
php mail setup in xampp server I've ever setup. It can proxy through your gmail yahoo etc account or send email directly. Once it is installed email..
Extract JSONP Resultset in PHP returned data of this url. Can I even do this in PHP php yahooSS http autoc query yahoo.. do this in PHP php yahooSS http autoc query yahoo callback YAHOO.Finance.SymbolSuggest.ssCallback.. http autoc query yahoo callback YAHOO.Finance.SymbolSuggest.ssCallback yss fopen yahooSS..
Prevent sent emails treated as junk mails using php mail function text html charset iso 8859 1' . r n headers . 'From' . r n Email Variables toUser recipient.. 'From' . r n Email Variables toUser recipient subject testing subject body html body p Example.. share improve this question Perhaps the problem is that yahoo uses domainkeys verification which will likely fail for your..
How can I cycle through pages? and it would take us to google for 20 seconds then on to yahoo for 10 seconds then on to stackoverflow for 180 seconds and.. 0 dashboards url http time 5 url http time 10 url http time 15 display function..
Extract JSONP Resultset in PHP autoc query yahoo callback YAHOO.Finance.SymbolSuggest.ssCallback yss fopen yahooSS r .... I.. to start. Below is an example of the returned Resultset. YAHOO.Finance.SymbolSuggest.ssCallback ResultSet Query yahoo Result.. S exchDisp NASDAQ typeDisp Equity symbol YAHOY.PK name YAHOO JAPAN CORP exch PNK type S exchDisp Pink Sheets typeDisp Equity..