php Programming Glossary: year
How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions? I leart that my book is old even though I bought it this year concerning programming in PHP. Now I know that mysql_ commands..
Calculating days of week given a week number date share improve this question PHP week_number 40 year 2008 for day 1 day 7 day echo date 'm d Y' strtotime year. W.. year 2008 for day 1 day 7 day echo date 'm d Y' strtotime year. W . week_number. day . n Below post was because I was an idiot.. date Assuming date is in format DD MM YYYY list day month year explode _REQUEST date Get the weekday of the given date wkday..
Convert one date format into another in PHP PHP 5.2 and lower You will have to parse the elements year month day hour minute second manually using substr and hand..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] where even using a safe word whitelist resulted in a 14 year old quickly circumventing it with I want to stick my long necked..
PHP calculate age tdate time age 0 while tdate dob strtotime ' 1 year' dob age return age EDIT this function seems to work OK some.. birthDate 12 17 1983 explode the date to get month day and year birthDate explode birthDate get age from date or birthdate age..
Determine timezone from latitude/longitude without using web services like
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? share improve this question When PHP was started several years ago UTF 8 was not really supported. We are talking about a.. of stuff is hard. Delphi only became Unicode compatible a year or two ago for example while other languages like Java or C#..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? the difference between these two in the following form 2 years 3 months and 2 days How can I do this in PHP php datetime.. date2 2009 06 26 diff abs strtotime date2 strtotime date1 years floor diff 365 60 60 24 months floor diff years 365 60 60 24.. date1 years floor diff 365 60 60 24 months floor diff years 365 60 60 24 30 60 60 24 days floor diff years 365 60 60 24..
PHP & mySQL: Year 2038 Bug: What is it? How to solve it? mySQL Year 2038 Bug What is it How to solve it I was thinking of using.. understand as well. So my question s What exactly is the Year 2038 problem Why does it occur and what happens when it occurs.. so feel free to edit at your leisure. What exactly is the Year 2038 problem The year 2038 problem also known as Unix Millennium..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource problem [duplicate] echo _GET 'id' td tr tr td width 30 height 35 font size 2 Year td td width 30 input name yr onkeypress return isNumberKey event..
PHP calculate person's current age site in format 12.01.1980 . person_date string Day.Month.Year Want to add an oldness of the person. Like Currently 30 years.. of current date 0 Parse the dates. Birth date Day.Month.Year Day birth_day Month birth_month Year birth_year Current date.. Birth date Day.Month.Year Day birth_day Month birth_month Year birth_year Current date Day.Month.Year Day current_day Month..
looping a SQL insert statement with dates week number isFirstMonthDay isLastMonthDay Financial Year isHoliday Holidayname dayname quarter tertial. For non standard.. It would of course be even easier if you added columns for Year and Month. Here I'm interpreting your question to mean Generate..
Convert date format for db [duplicate] without leading zeros t Number of days in the given month Year L Whether it's a leap year o ISO 8601 year number. Y A full..
query is not outputting all of the details? Course INFO101 Bsc Information Communication Technology Year 3 Student Mayur Patel u0867587 Module CHI2550 Modern Database.. A Course INFO101 Bsc Information Communication Technology Year 3 Student Mayur Patel u0867587 Module CHI2513 Systems Strategy.. B Course INFO101 Bsc Information Communication Technology Year 3 Student Mayur Patel u0867587 Module CHI2550 Modern Database..
“Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given” error while trying to create a php shopping cart [duplicate] 'ID' product_id _GET 'ID' query SELECT Name Genre Price Year Picture FROM Products result mysql_query query while row mysql_fetch_array.. echo div p Name row 0 p p Genre row 1 p p Price row 2 p p Year row 3 p div echo div a href cart.php action add product product_id.. 12 php sql cart shopping share improve this question Year is a mysql reserved word you have to escape it using backticks..
Getting mysql result from the last 30 days [duplicate] getting record specific days DATE_SUB CURDATE INTERVAL 1 YEAR for getting records specific years For Anand query BETWEEN DATE_SUB..
How do I group by month and year when only having a datetime field? FROM transaction GROUP BY EXTRACT MONTH FROM when EXTRACT YEAR FROM when And if you need those columns then SELECT EXTRACT.. then SELECT EXTRACT MONTH FROM when as month EXTRACT YEAR FROM when as year SUM amount FROM transaction GROUP BY month.. names too SELECT EXTRACT MONTH FROM when as month EXTRACT YEAR FROM when as year SUM amount FROM transaction GROUP BY month..
how do I get month from date in mysql
PHP json_decode() returns NULL with valid JSON? 3 png 4 swf 5 AdColumnId 3 RSSLinkFormat DOMAIN notas YEAR MONTH DAY TITLE FrontendLayout Flat AdPath ad SiteTitle Monte..
Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision? the SQL92 Standard TIMESTAMP contains the datetime field's YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE and SECOND. A SQL92 compliant database..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource problem [duplicate] type text maxlength 5 id 'numbers' value php echo row YEAR td php I'm just trying to load the data in the forms but I don't..
Post and get at the same time in php select name general id general font size 3 option value YEAR Year option form This will output the contents of mysql depending.. will look something like this php if _POST 'general' 'YEAR' php echo _GET year php result2 mysql_query SELECT FROM student.. php result2 mysql_query SELECT FROM student WHERE student.YEAR ' syear' table border '1' tr php if ShowLastName th LASTNAME..
Getting year and week of year from PHP date() when week spans two years has run into the same issue before I am trying to get the YEAR and the WEEK OF THE YEAR for a given timestamp. This is the.. before I am trying to get the YEAR and the WEEK OF THE YEAR for a given timestamp. This is the code I am using date Y WW..
Help with php blank page? Timestamp intval time ADD TEAM TOTAL SALARY FOR THIS YEAR querysalary SELECT FROM nuke_iblplyr WHERE teamname ' Team_Offering'.. TotalSalary cy2 z ENT TEAM TOTAL SALARY FOR THIS YEAR k 0 Salary 0 while k Fields_Counter Type _POST 'type'. k Salary..