php Programming Glossary: yields
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? calculated hash as the salt value. The return value yields the same hash if the given password matches the hash. To verify..
json_encode won't encode french characters? 8. So doing a print_r of my array when I force ISO 8859 1 yields the following Array 0 stdClass Object language fr langselect.. ... Un instant. On both instances executing a json_encode yields the following result ¨{ language fr langselect null s1next Prochain..
Is there a way to add a PHP SimpleXMLElement to another SimpleXMLElement? out the XML declaration s a substr t asXML 22 But this yields xml version 1.0 root a lt child gt a root Again not what I was..
Why does “echo '2' . print(2) + 3” print 521? [closed] to figure out what's going wrong. echo '2'.print 2 3 This yields 521 PHP is parsing that then as echo '2' . print '2' '3' Bingo..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? k v array k increments foobar to foobas if array k v 1 v 1 yields 1 if v 'foobar' so 'foobas' 1 false array k v restore initial..
How to make a Multilanguage website in php and Mysql takes a lot of extra work to produce the contents but yields higher quality results than the second. Languages themselves..
Initializing PHP class property declarations with simple expressions yields syntax error PHP class property declarations with simple expressions yields syntax error According to the PHP docs one can initialize properties..
Strange echo, print behaviour in PHP? wrong. echo '1' . print '2' . '3' . print '4' . '5' This yields 4523111 PHP is parsing that then as echo '1' . print '2' . '3'..
PHP/Gettext Problems tabs open but I think the very first call to that script yields the correct translation restarting Apache won't do the trick..
Is there better way to transpose a PHP 2D array? For example array_map NULL array 1 2 3 array 'a' 'b' 'c' yields array array 1 'a' array 2 'b' array 3 'c' This is also equivalent..
How to split a string into words. Ex: “stringintowords” -> “String Into Words”? for words . b typing segmentation dynamic programming yields a score of more detail answers from university level lectures..
Delete an element from an array You use unset php x array 1 2 unset x 0 var_dump x this yields array 1 1 int 2 Notice that the index remains unchanged. share..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords range of ascii characters roughly 96 typeable characters yields an entropy of 6.6 per character which at 8 characters for a..
Turning photo into cartoon using PHP on your system. Also Googling for Imagemagick Cartoonify yields some example scripts that are worth checking out. Also make..
php / Mysql best tree structure this question You can use a Nested Set Model as it yields very efficient queries. Check out Managing Hierarchical Data..
Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP type text javascript' echo json_encode Data The above code yields the following output a apple b banana c catnip This is great..
PHP Data-URI to file improve this question A quick look at the PHP manual yields the following If you want to save data that is derived from..
Search matrix for all rectangles of given dimensions (select blocks of seats) numbers greater or equal to 3 so finally you get which yields the solution these number sequences green areas are top edges..
Regex matching table rows in HTML [duplicate] for each table row TR TD test TD TR TR TD test2 TD TR yields Array 0 TD test TD TD test2 TD rather than what I want it..