php Programming Glossary: yum
Issues installing PHP 5.3 with apache on centos a long list i think you should just re install Update Yum yum update Install Priorities yum install yum priorities Remove.. just re install Update Yum yum update Install Priorities yum install yum priorities Remove Current PHP yum remove php php.. Update Yum yum update Install Priorities yum install yum priorities Remove Current PHP yum remove php php Remove Current..
How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux? php grep i soap or in RHEL Fedora you can search with yum search php grep i soap There are usually two PHP SOAP packages.. php soap Or in RHEL Fedora you can install with sudo yum install php soap After the installation you might need to place..
Install php-mcrypt on centos6 returned to me. Heres what ive tried root@ip ~ # yum install php mcrypt enablerepo centosplus both with and without.. remi release 6 .rpm epel release 6 .rpm 2 Install it via yum update yum install php mcrypt The yum update updated the repository.. 6 .rpm epel release 6 .rpm 2 Install it via yum update yum install php mcrypt The yum update updated the repository reference..
How do I install Pdftk on my server? 1.41 pdftk Now we need to install the gcj libraries. sudo yum install java 1.4.2 gcj compat devel.i386 The gcc c library doesn't.. get an error halfway through the compile process. sudo yum install gcc c If you compile the application right now you will..
How can I force PHP to use the libiconv version of iconv instead of the CentOS-installed glibc version? in usr lib httpd modules . phpinfo shows PHP 5.3.3. I also yum removed the pre installed PHP 5.1. just to make sure. But the..
PHP Fatal Error Failed opening required File php directory and I found there was not but when I did yum install php it said it had the latest. Ideas php apache share..
Parentheses altering semantics of function call result variants I produced the following images root@lolphin ~ yum install phc graphviz root@lolphin ~ phc dump ast dot test1.php..