php Programming Glossary: yield
Does PHP have an equivalent to the ||= operator? null to a variable and it will be assigned. This will yield different results with isset and is_null so you need to be clear..
Generate all possible combinations using a set of strings post that solution first def gen_nos s for i in sorted s yield i s.remove i for j in gen_nos s yield i j s.add i Example list.. s for i in sorted s yield i s.remove i for j in gen_nos s yield i j s.add i Example list gen_nos set 'a' 'b' 'c' 'a' 'ab' 'abc'..
Preventing session hijacking forged easily e. g. User Agent request header and thus can yield unwanted false positives i. e. genuine user switched IP address..
Decoding JSON in Twig possible to decode JSON in twig Googling doesn't seem to yield anything about this. Does decoding JSON in Twig not make sense..
Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another? This means that a array b a b 'foo' 42 var_dump a Will yield array 0 Whereas a new StdClass b a b foo 42 var_dump a Yields..
Construct a PHP variable name based on other variable values and static text to the week . So later on I'd want to use echo text1 To yield the resulting output Welcome to the week. I've looked into variable..
Get possible array combinations array.size j i 1 until array.size k j 1 until array.size yield array i array j array k Result Vector foo bar baz foo bar bee.. if k 1 start array.length for i start until array.length yield List array i else for i start until array.length c combinations.. i start until array.length c combinations array k 1 i 1 yield array i c Results scala combinations Vector a b c d e 1 res8..
pagination in php returned to the actual number you want to display. It can yield a huge performance increase if you're displaying page 1 of 200..
json_encode/json_decode - returns stdClass instead of Array in PHP Shouldn't an array that is json_encoded then json_decoded yield the EXACT same result php json json decode share improve..
Parsing of badly formated HTML in PHP WIDTH 4 . The php parsers I know off don't like this and yield xml formating errors. My current solution is to run some regexes..
Extending singletons in PHP stuff in here ... calling FileService getInstance will not yield a FileService instance like I want it to but a Service instance...
In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference? being passed around all over the place. And that can yield some really interesting bugs when a variable in one part of..
Creating custom PHP Session handler? is a little stagnant. Google and Stackoverflow searches yield a lot of basic obviously poorly written tutorials and examples..
How do you loop through $_FILES array? the size you expect Therefor count _FILES fieldname will yield 5 . But counting deeper dimensions will also not produce the.. index some error occured with the file in index index yield an error here return false return false also immediately perhaps..
Creating anonymous objects in php be advised that casting an array to an object is likely to yield interesting results for those array keys that are not valid..
Get Start and End Days for a Given Week in PHP 01 I would get 2009 04 26 and 2009 05 02. 2009 05 10 would yield 2009 05 10 and 2009 05 16. My current code looks like this I..