php Programming Glossary: yui
Do all browsers support PHP's $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']?
Is there a built-in function or plugin to handle date formatting in JavaScript?
Minify/compress CSS with regex? properties. I assume there are other minifiers like the YUI compressor that should be better at this and give shorter result..
Creating a file progress bar in PHP
How to disable or encrypt “View Source” for my site protect your JavaScript you can minify it with for example YUI Compressor . It won't prevent the user from using your code..
PHP to Javascript Array (Kind of) echo json_encode arrayToSend Client side javascript . Note YUI is used to show client side handling var callback success function.. your array previously encoded to JSON format. 2 Except YUI you can also use any appropriate JavaScript library to generate..
how to implement facebook like notification? like to know what I should do to implement this. Using YUI or any JavaScript framework I can query a database table after..
What is the best PHP code encryptor? [closed] is the best PHP code encryptor closed Duplicate YUI like compressor for PHP What is the best PHP code encryptor.. know your opinion I am not looking for a obfuscator not a YUI like compressor php encryption obfuscation encoder share..
Beginning PHP development - programming stack recommendation and web site resources [closed] start with JavaScript frameworks and CSS frameworks JQuery YUI neither or something else and Which Javascript framework jQuery..