php Programming Glossary: you'll
Replace URLs in text with HTML links HTML you want to prevent cross site scripting XSS . Also you'll want ampersands in URLs to be correctly escaped as amp . You..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 at the bottom then once you scroll to the bottom again you'll have some newly generated keys. You need to grab the four previously.. only do you If you want to make any decent use of this API you'll need to change your settings to Read Write if you're doing anything..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? is retrieved and then used as a literal in another query you'll get to see someone else's password. Since the first few names..
Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP more complicated I think it just depends on how much time you'll invest. Perhaps you can have a look at PHPExcel which is a library..
Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? you want to support pre 5.4 and can't guarantee shorttags you'll still need to use php echo ... . share improve this answer..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] to say śwell you can learn it here ... but then afterwards you'll need to go to this other tutorial to find out about the bad..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples must be executed in a transaction. For example quite often you'll have a couple of queries before the transaction before the begin.. after the transaction after either commit or rollback and you'll want those queries executed no matter what happened or not in..
UTF-8 all the way through code e.g. PHP in whatever DB access method you use you'll need to set the connection charset to utf8 . This way MySQL.. tag. Other Code Considerations Obviously enough all files you'll be serving PHP HTML JavaScript etc. should be encoded in valid..
What is Output Buffering? headers already sent by output while setting cookies you'll be happy to know that output buffering is your answer. share..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] worth it IMO. Since DOM is a language agnostic interface you'll find implementations in many languages so if you need to change..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? to language translator or attempting it but I think you'll find this a much bigger task for real languages than you expect...
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? worth it IMO. Since DOM is a language agnostic interface you'll find implementations in many languages so if you need to change..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] worth it IMO. Since DOM is a language agnostic interface you'll find implementations in many languages so if you need to change..
Who needs singletons? [closed] very often something that you are absolutely sure that you'll never have more than one instance of you eventually have a second...
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking the attacker won't have the exact counter or if they do you'll have 2 systems transmitting the same count and can tell one..
How to check if an email address exists without sending an email? MAIL FROM RCPT TO user@domain If the user doesn't exist you'll get a 5.1.1 DSN. However just because the email is not rejected..
Website screenshots using PHP share improve this question Sure you can but you'll need to render the page with something. If you really want to..
PHP & Hash / Fragment Portion of URL hash fragment identifier share improve this question You'll need to use Javascript to read this. There are a few different..
Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate] Check result before passing it to mysql_fetch_array . You'll find that it's false because the query failed. See the mysql_query..
How To Find Out If You are Using HTTPS Without $_SERVER['HTTPS'] will return false in many cases where HTTPS is indeed on. You'll want to verify that _SERVER HTTPS exists and is non empty. In..
Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available? being a standard PHP WebSocket object natively available. You'll need to use a library. The next thing to consider is how the..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? yet a direct and complete array retrieval result fetchAll You'll get more helpful warnings in most cases than PDO or mysql_ usually..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 here on what these tokens for. 3. Create Access Tokens You'll need these to make successful requests OAuth requests a few..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? is loaded but our dummy CSS isn't it's definitely a bot. You'll have to build probably an in memory table of loads by IP and..
PHP + curl, HTTP POST sample code? Thanks php curl http post share improve this question You'll find php curl examples here http libcurl php examples..
PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file using mcrypt. In this case it's using blowfish encryption. You'll want to change the key for each site you use it on. If you don't..
Good tutorial on how to update your Mysql database with a PHP form? [closed] _POST value again note that we use the name as the key You'll want to be careful about passing user submitted values directly.. you to use this example code in a live environment. You'll want to look up sql injections and how to avoid them. The code..
How do you implement pagination in PHP? php pagination resultset share improve this question You'll need a beginner's understanding of PHP and probably some understanding..
UTF-8 all the way through you do so safely. This is unfortunately the hard part. You'll probably want to make extensive use of PHP's mbstring extension...
How can I convert a series of parent-child relationships into a hierarchical tree? parseAndPrintTree child tree echo ' li ' echo ' ul ' You'll only save 8 iterations on a dataset as small as this but on..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select Check result before passing it to mysql_fetch_array . You'll find that it's false because the query failed. See the mysql_query..
PHP PDO: charset, set names? php mysql pdo share improve this question You'll have it in your connection string like mysql host host dbname..
How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail? PEAR Mail phpMailer They both support SMTP auth under SSL. You'll need to activate the php_openssl extension on your php.ini...
PHP CURL HTTPS causing exception SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK default it'll reject all SSL certificates as unverifiable. You'll have to get your CA's cert and point curl at it. More details..
Show progress for PHP long script progress value by accessing the _SESSION 'some_progress' . You'll need JavaScript setInterval or setTimeout to keep calling the..
PHP Foreach Pass by Reference: Last Element Duplicating? (Bug?) bar Array 0 foo 1 bar 2 bar bar Array 0 foo 1 bar 2 bar You'll notice how each time array put a new value into item it also..