php Programming Glossary: wmd
WMD markdown editor - HTML to Markdown conversion markdown editor HTML to Markdown conversion I am using wmd markdown editor on a project and had a question When I post.. the markdown to html serverside. php javascript markdown wmd share improve this question I would suggest that you simply..
Add some html to Zend Forms let me add the following html into my zend form div id wmd button bar class wmd panel div Thats it it needs to be above.. html into my zend form div id wmd button bar class wmd panel div Thats it it needs to be above my 'method' element.. array array 'HtmlTag' array 'tag' 'div' 'id' 'wmd button bar' 'class' 'wmd panel' form dummy clearValidators..
running showdown.js serverside to conver Markdown to HTML (in PHP) of js from php before Thanks Andrew php html markdown wmd share improve this question You could use PHP Markdown which..