php Programming Glossary: wishes
PHP Regex for human names rexName ' ^ a z' i' Suppose a user with the name Jürgen wishes to register Or Böb That's pretty commonplace in Europe. Is there..
Shopping cart and stock management his cart stock remains reserved. If another client wishes to buy an item but only available stock is reserved by another..
How to add scraped website data in database? identity crawl in the open. Respect robots.txt if a site wishes to block scrapers they should be allowed to do so using respected..
“session has already been started…” exception in Zend Framework application somewhere. You're not allowed to do that since ZF wishes to have full control over sessions i.e. you shouldn't access..
What is function overloading and overriding in php? parent class has defined a method and the derived class wishes to override that method. In PHP you can only overload methods..
Moving from NuSOAP to PHP5 SOAP field you refer to is defined as SOAP 1.1 or similiar Best wishes Btw what are you working on Exchange of delays from the pilot..
Pass arguments from array in php to constructor [duplicate] myarray However this does not work when the function one wishes to call is the constructor for an object. For fairly obvious..
Does PHP have structs or enums? [duplicate] with programming standards I won't post it unless someone wishes to request. I use this a lot to save me the hassle of manually..
Prevent user to use back button with warning or disable any insert form below the message. It just asks whether the admin wishes to do more with description text. If yes then clicking on the..
Copy Image from Remote Server Over HTTP http myimage.jpg . Example use A user wishes to add an image to his profile. The image already exists on..