php Programming Glossary: without
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? randomly used single quotes double quotes and backticks without any real thought. Example query 'INSERT INTO table id col1 col2..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? ensure the record I want to insert does not already exist without using a pair of queries ie one query to check and one to insert.. statement are treated as warnings instead. For example without IGNORE a row that duplicates an existing UNIQUE index or PRIMARY.. the manual . Thus it should be used if previously tested without the IGNORE keyword. There is one more option to use INSERT ON..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? regular HTTP request to the server like 1. and 2. will but without leaving the current page. You can also use Javascript to make..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead are correct and this exact code has been working for years without problem. Indeed I obtained it from a well sourced tutorial on.. certainly just start using them right away&mdash i.e. without any installation effort. They differ slightly but offer a number..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] site wide settings so you will have your error message without this useless code. While unconditionally echoed error message..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address PCRE and PHP can all manage to correctly parse RFC 5322 without a hitch . Python and C# should also be able to manage it but..
UTF-8 all the way through use utf8 encoding if a utf8_ collation is specified without any explicit character set . The MySQL utf8 encoding is only..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? setTimeout is a really basic rate limiter it works fine without this but if msgsrv.php always returns instantly with a syntax..
php execute a background process large so I would like to be able to perform such an action without the user being aware of the time it takes for the copy to complete...
Who needs singletons? [closed] pattern can even be converted to use dependency injection without too much trouble. For instance if your singleton is gotten through..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? and you can be sure that an attack is virtually unfeasible without either ludicrous amount of funds or hardware. bcrypt uses the.. salt and key user password and no state can be precomputed without the knowledge of both. Because of this key difference bcrypt.. algorithm. You cannot retrieve the plain text password without already knowing the salt rounds and key password . Source Using..
PHP global in functions can reliably call any of these. The function cannot exist without that environment. Using the superglobals might not be an obvious.. static constants your function also cannot exist without that class being available. That's less of an issue when it's.. fn is a liar because it claims I can call that function without passing anything to it. It is only when I look at the function..
when is eval evil in php? of eval is only one inexperienced developers who use it without enough consideration. As a rule of thumb I tend to follow this..
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? without EMULATE_PREPARES it occurs on the MySQL server. Without EMULATE_PREPARES you may get syntax errors at prepare time rather..
How can I disable PHP magic quotes at runtime? of them shared hosting with magic quotes on the horror . Without the ability to control PHP or Apache configuration can I do..
How To Find Out If You are Using HTTPS Without $_SERVER['HTTPS'] To Find Out If You are Using HTTPS Without _SERVER 'HTTPS' I've seen many tutorials online that says you..
What do I need to store in the php session when user logged in? a malicious user steals the session_id of an other user. Without some kind of check he will then be free to impersonate that..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability place so you know what improvements have been made and how Without monitoring you will have no idea of the effect of what you did.....
Can I rely on PHP php.ini precision workaround for floating point issue How to estimate calculate when precision workaround fails Without such crazy tests Is there any mathematicial straight answer.. How to estimate calculate when precision workaround fails Without such crazy tests Is there any mathematicial straight answer..
Resumable downloads when using PHP to send the file? Also set the response to HTTP 1.0 206 Partial Content . Without having tested anything this could work more or less filesize..
Turn Plain Text URLs into Active Links using PHP [closed] ^ x00 x20 @ . x7f xff ' string array Method 2 5 10 points Without ports www s ip s and mails text ereg_replace alpha ^ space alnum..
Mysql password hashing method old vs new improve this question Yeah that looks like a toughie. Without cooperation from your hosts or the ability to change password..
PHP Get File Name Without File Extension Get File Name Without File Extension I have this code function ShowFileExtension..
XPath query with PHP lemonade @id 1 price or lemonade @supplier mother price Without the @ it looks for child elements with that name instead of..
UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files problem really is your and your friend's editor settings. Without a BOM your friend's editor may not automatically recognize the..
Getting one line in a huge file with PHP the whole way thru. php share improve this question Without keeping some sort of index to the file you would need to read..
What is Output Buffering? Output Buffering for Web Developers a Beginner ™s Guide Without output buffering the default your HTML is sent to the browser..
Remove accents without using iconv What is the best way to remove accents eg. âu becomes Eaun Without using iconv php regex string share improve this question..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API To User's Wall Without Being Online Logged in Facebook Sharing Using Graph API Hi..
Adding attributes to customer entity this seems to be unique to customer attributes. Without it the field won't get rendered certainly not in the adminhtml..
Finding n-th permutation without computing others atoms 3 2 echo implode ' ' perm . n Would print B A Without computing every permutation until permutation_index I heard..
Headers already sent by PHP do There it's easy to recognize the problem early on. Without such an editor available or Notepad on Windows which can remedy..
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY..
Extending PHP with C++? or something using C and interface with it from PHP WITHOUT manually editing the actual PHP source php c plugins php extension..
Common CRUD functions in PHP the CRUD create retreive update delete operations in php WITHOUT using any framework. For example I wish to have a single create..
Inspect XML created by PHP SoapClient call before/without sending the request way to view the XML created by the CreateUser params call WITHOUT actually sending it and causing a fatal error php xml soap..
Opencart: Ajax json response unknown characters ff e aq w j 9 9 offset 31oct 19hex 25 true if eval LOOK MA WITHOUT parseInt being EVIL fafa e ok stop juggling. fafa EVIL fafa..
How does this PHP nonce library work? is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY..
Single and double quotes together as HTML attribute value? outputs She said I don't know. Is there a way to fix it WITHOUT using HTML entities Like quot htmlentities or similar functions.. share improve this question Is there a way to fix it WITHOUT using HTML entities Like quot htmlentities or similar functions..
Which third party search engine (free) should I use? 330ci' results as the above will be returned but WITH AND WITHOUT the ci extension. There are a nr of extensions in cars as you..
Twitter API -> updating profile bg image with php code is that.. it successfully returns the twitter XML WITHOUT having the profile background image updated. So at the end it..
Running job in the background from Perl WITHOUT waiting for return job in the background from Perl WITHOUT waiting for return The Disclaimer First of all I know this..
How to test if a user has SELECTED a file to upload? ... The problem is if the users wants to edit information WITHOUT uploading a LOGO it raises an error 'error you must upload the..
PHP: check if object/array is a reference val unset room key The main goal is to copy the array WITHOUT any references. Is that possible Thank you. php arrays reference..
Code Completion for private/protected member variables when using magic __get() a class that has private or protected member variables WITHOUT resorting to a bunch of Getter's OR setting the member vars..
Face detection in PHP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY..
Real code in dynamic programming with problems like knapsack in PHP [closed] add the value of this one.. Get the greater of WITH or WITHOUT if with_i without_i res with_i picked with_PI array_push..
included php file to know it's file name? know it's name aka print 1.php if it is the included file WITHOUT the need to modify include.php itself . is it possible php..
Is it possible to upload a photo to fanpage album without publishing it? feed on my fanpage. How can I add a photo to a fanpage WITHOUT publish it to the newsstream Actually my publish php code looks..
How to get user access token? under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND either express or implied...
WordPress Plugin: How do I avoid “tight coupling”? is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY..
Resizing images using php is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY..