php Programming Glossary: wonderful
Save CSV files into mysql database mysql csv share improve this question MySQL provides a wonderful feature that allows you to import a CSV file directly in a single..
Convert UTC offset to timezone or date DST so the geo IP API returns 04 00 as the offset. This is wonderful since DST is a freaking headache. But to my surprise it caused..
PHP output buffering - sounds like a bad idea, is it? cost resources. I mean if they can offer the coder such wonderful flexibility why don't they always buffer output The only answer..
Crash Course in Web Development (PHP+HTML) [closed] learn HTML and PHP for a programmer . Something like the wonderful Dive Into Python would be perfect but for PHP and HTML of course...
Is this a good hashing password function in PHP? If not, why not? 1.6 times the execution of a single call to hash isn't C wonderful . So we get 2 hashes from hash_hmac in 62 of the time it would..
How can I create a new Joomla user account from within a script? Two ways to add joomla users using your custom code is a wonderful tutorial. The approach works . I've used this approach in some..
returning JSON and HTML from PHP script than just json population thankyou this website has been wonderful in answering my noob questions. my php ` for x 0 numrows mysql_num_rows..
How to parse a string of boolean logic in PHP for a better solution. What I discovered is yet another wonderful use for PHP's filter_var function when passing in the FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN..
Inserting NOW() into Database with CodeIgniter's Active Record md5 or in this case now . While in most situations this is wonderful for those situations raw sql is the only recourse. On a side..
Best way to load php classes in EC2 - InstanceStore, EBS or S3?
how to bypass Access-Control-Allow-Origin? I hope someone could help me out. Thanks and have a wonderful day php javascript jquery ajax json share improve this question..
PHP Lexer and Parser Generator? much for your answers Bye Answer Somebody gave me this wonderful link to an old question Is there an alternative for flex bison..