php Programming Glossary: vimeo
Check if Youtube and Vimeo-clips are valid submitted links are valid film clips from or but I did't success. Any ideas how to check url's like http.. http v ddjcddddX2c not valid http 463l522 not valid http 1483909 valid http.. not valid http 463l522 not valid http 1483909 valid http lumiblue not valid http..
Any preg_match to check if a url is a youtube/vimeo/dailymotion video link? preg_match to check if a url is a youtube vimeo dailymotion video link What's the best preg_match syntax to.. syntax to check if a url is a video link of youtube vimeo or dailymotion maybe if it's hard then just to check the domain..
Creating custom “html”-tags for CMS? for inserting embedding stuff like a video from youtube or vimeo by wroting the following which are stored in the database youtube..
How can I find download links for vimeo videos? can I find download links for vimeo videos I saw that today vimeo changed the way they are streaming.. I find download links for vimeo videos I saw that today vimeo changed the way they are streaming the videos and I can't stream.. generate the link to the video which was for example http moogaloop play clip 6649390 1eab2a25f30f1aadaf5e306d0f40fd6c..
PHP Linkify Links In Content If you really need to NOT linkify specific domains i.e. vimeo and youtube here is a modified PHP function linkify_filtered.. function _linkify_filter_callback m Filter out youtube and vimeo domains. pre m 1 . m 4 . m 7 . m 10 . m 13 url m 2 . m 5 . m.. m 14 post m 3 . m 6 . m 9 . m 12 if preg_match ' b youtube vimeo .com b ' url return pre . url . post else linkify... return..