php Programming Glossary: versions
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? be slower. As a final recommendation I think with older versions of MySQL PHP you should emulate prepared statements but with.. emulate prepared statements but with your very recent versions you should turn emulation off. After writing a few apps that.. Tries to do the right thing with different php and mysql versions. @param array settings with keys host port unix_socket dbname..
Can't use method return value in write context is not recommended. It's a limitation of empty in PHP versions below 5.5. Note empty only checks variables as anything else..
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] as of PHP 5.2. In case you want it to work with earlier versions of PHP you could use the regex used in PHP php pattern ' ^ x22..
Does mysql_real_escape_string() FULLY protect against SQL injection? is mysql_set_charset but that is only available in new PHP versions He does mention that UTF 8 is safe though. share improve this..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler .on method is the way to do this or .delegate for older versions of jQuery. If version 1.7 or above '#modal' .on 'keyup' 'input'.. handler this .val name this .attr 'name' Or in older versions If version 1.6 or below note the selector and event are in a..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead that the extension may not be bundled with future versions of PHP. Instead you should take this opportunity to migrate..
UTF-8 all the way through for the document. However if you're targeting older versions of HTML XHTML HTML4 etc. these points may still be useful For..
Why would one omit the close tag? context and this is the only good argument so far Modern versions of PHP set the output_buffering flag in php.ini If output buffering.. of errors in Internet Explorer even in the most recent versions. This is because an AJAX response json include contains something.. endings after . An example is Smarty even the most recent versions of both 2. and 3. branch have this. So as always watch for third..
Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; and should never be used. Additionally in very ancient PHP versions read PHP 4 and before if you modify objects you should pass..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php
PHP + DOMDocument: outerHTML for element? domDocument saveHtml nodeToGetTheOuterHtmlFrom Previous versions of PHP did not implement that possibility. You'd have to use..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Now I would like to parse it and find all Youtube..
How to validate an Email in PHP? 5.3.4 final but it is written that some 5.3.4 snapshot versions also were affected. This bug has already been fixed. Update..
Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize) file I've looked around and it seems that in the newest versions of PHP 5.3 json_decode is actually faster than unserialize ...
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? it did change something but in the wrong direction. 4. Versions 4.1 Symfony2 v2.0.15 4.2 Doctrine2 v2.1.7 4.3 FOSUserBundle..
Convert String To date in PHP 'month' dateInfo 'day' dateInfo 'year' dateInfo 'is_dst' Versions prior this should work. date '05 Feb 2010 14 00 01' format '@^..
Calculate number of hours between 2 dates in PHP php datetime share improve this question The newer PHP Versions provide some new classes called DateTime DateInterval DateTimeZone..
Automate Deployment for Web Applications? [closed] tests Builds the 'deploy' configuration of the app Versions the DLLs with the current major minor version and SVN revision..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems File System large files large quantities large problems Versions I am running basically latest of everything PHP 5.3.1 MySQL..
Php & Sql Injection - UTF8 POC the source of the GBK thing A bugfix in MySQL 5.0.22 . Versions earlier than this are severely vulnerable when using anything..
new limit within php: 1000 fields per POST. Does someone know, if the number can be influenced? someone know if the number can be influenced In newer PHP Versions the count of input fileds per formula POST will be limited to..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit me complex sample below . Maybe update xDebug and PHPUnit Versions and try again. I've seen it fail with current versions but it..