php Programming Glossary: video.php
How to schedule in php once a day Let them be http scripts video.php http scripts music.php Without my hands just like sheduling..
Using php to output an mp4 video to see them by using php . here's what i got so far The video.php file has this php ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL 'path.. developing story content delivery mobile devices video.php file php file 'path to videofile.mp4' fp @fopen file 'rb' size..
Flowplayer Secure Streaming with Apache instead of the embedded version the .htaccess file and the video.php file will be the same. videofilename '' hash md5.. on RewriteRule ^ . . . http vidoeos video.php h 1 t 2 v 3 RewriteRule ^ F RewriteRule ^ ^ . mov mp4 F Update.. i.e. video mp4 if the video is an .mp4 And videos video.php looks like this php session_start hash _GET 'h' streamname _GET..