php Programming Glossary: viewmodel
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? albums controller public function indexAction return new ViewModel array 'albums' this albumsService getAlbumsFromArtist 'Joy Division'..
How to render ZF2 view within JSON response? view_manager configuration. Then instead of returning a ViewModel instance from the controller action I return a JsonModel instance.. and add to `JsonModel` return jsonModel else return new ViewModel ... php json zend framework2 zend framework mvc share improve.. getRequest isXmlHttpRequest return array htmlViewPart new ViewModel htmlViewPart setTerminal true setTemplate 'model controller..
how to use ajax in zend framework 2 or the AjaxContext? public function inputAction result new ViewModel array 'some_parameter' 'some value' result setTerminal true.. results request getQuery this is the get string result new ViewModel 'result' results result setTerminal true return result view.. the full view apart layout to be returned simply return a ViewModel with viewModel setTerminal true that's all there is to it. ..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? both View and Model. MVVM Controller is swapped out for a ViewModel which is responsible for the translation between View's expectations..