php Programming Glossary: viewing
Cleaning HTML by removing extra/redundant formatting tags nested HTML code in my database that is slowing down the viewing editing of these comments. I have comments that look like this..
Use global variables in a class IMHO for the class because it is clear for other people re viewing your code. Also not that I have made the first letter uppercase... of the same reason I have changed the classname. People re viewing your code will know exactly what fields will be retrieved without..
Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP images and cleanly resize them down to a size for web viewing roughly 700 pixels wide by 700 pixels tall . This works great..
How can I get the client's IP address in a PHP webservice? 'REMOTE_ADDR' The IP address from which the user is viewing the current page. http manual en reserved.variables.server.php..
Dynamic Table Generation that will later be fed into a website for DB storage and viewing. This report can contain pretty much any type of data as the..
Friend of a friend in PHP/MySQL? INSERT INTO events VALUES wall_post_event user1 user1 When viewing user1's profile you'd select for all events where user1 is either..
Music Recognition and Signal Processing are some cool tools in the project to play with as well as viewing the sourcecode for the core library itself http
Can PHP tell if the server os it 64-bit? 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' variable to detect the OS of the browser viewing the page but is the any way that PHP can detect the server's..
PHP MySQL SQL parser (INSERT and UPDATE) query. I am looking to create a full change log for user viewing based on this data so I need to get the values of the original..
Create table with PHP and populate from MySQL am trying to make it so the rows alternate colors for easy viewing too. My PHP code so far is below. The table does not display..
ACL implementation users and user's friends. User have restricted access to viewing his profile that only friends can view it. All guests can't..
Is there an equivalent to Trac written in PHP?
How to detect shot angle of photo, and auto rotate for website display like desktop apps do on viewing? auto rotate for website display like desktop apps do on viewing If I take a photo with a camera it stores the orientation angle..
Best way to connect to mysql with php securely get access to the file but at least it will prevent casual viewing of it. Peter References How to secure database passwords in..
Should I use EAV model? the extra data. Keeping in mind that when customers are viewing the site in the frontend there will be a filtering sidebar like..
echo problems in PHP the admin registers a new company.Its purpose is just for viewing which file have been approved or rejected by the superadmin..
Best methods to clean up a hacked site with no clean version available? the exploit that cracked the system in the first place and viewing it on a 'known good' system might crack it too. Do the work..
How do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP? PHP How do I find out the ISP provider of a person viewing a PHP page Is it possible to use PHP to track or reveal it If..