php Programming Glossary: version_compare
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? handling for old php versions if dsnarr 'charset' and version_compare PHP_VERSION '5.3.6' ' ' options PDO MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND.. dbh getAttribute PDO ATTR_SERVER_VERSION emulate_prepares version_compare serverversion emulate_prepares_below_version ' ' dbh setAttribute..
In PHP, is there a function that returns an array made up of the value of a key from an array of associative arrays? correct answer no matter what version you are on. actual version_compare PHP_VERSION '5.3.0' ' ' preferredPluck 'categoryId' data pluck_compat..
exec(): quoting full command in Windows just need to test the PHP OS and version if PHP_OS 'WINNT' version_compare PHP_VERSION '5.3.0' ' ' command command ' ' . command . ' '..
Comparing double decimal number this question The function you are looking for is version_compare PHP Reference php versionA '1.0.1' versionB '1.0.2' if version_compare.. PHP Reference php versionA '1.0.1' versionB '1.0.2' if version_compare versionA versionB 0 echo 'Version B is equal to or greater than.. echo 'Version B is equal to or greater than Version A' if version_compare versionA versionB ' ' echo 'Version A is less than Version B'..