php Programming Glossary: visiting
How to: URL re-writing in PHP? subjects php you may actually be visiting index.php a subjects b php. If you find..
Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed] recover.php on line 19 You can also see these errors visiting this page crimsonbux . com recover.php. Here is my recover.php..
How to get screen resolution of visitor in javascript and/or php? I would like to know the screen resolution of a visitor visiting my page so I can properly make a jquery thickbox cover about..
Detecting AdBlocking software? AdBlocking software I was recently visiting a site and noticed that the page had a section that said it..
How to access route, post, get etc. parameters in Zend Framework 2 orderBy this params fromQuery 'orderby' 'name' When visiting http orderby birthdate orderBy will have the value.. birthdate orderBy will have the value birthdate . When visiting http orderBy will have the default value name ... allGetValues this params fromQuery empty method call When visiting http orderby birthdate filter hasphone allGetValues..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes visitor_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COMMENT 'URL visiting history' Table structure for table log_url_info CREATE TABLE..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection else ua _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' This line detects the visiting device by looking at its HTTP Request _SERVER requestingDevice..
Custom URL for each user in PHP the same the only reason the name matters is if a person visiting the site signs up they get their own custom url but the person..
In a PHP / Apache / Linux context, why exactly is chmod 777 dangerous? script. they access the php script they just uploaded by visiting the url in their browser causing the shell script to execute...
How to test a site rigorously? for that Can we sort of mimic hundreds of virtual users visiting the site to see its load handling The test should be for both..
How to create “remember me checkbox” using Codeigniter session library? this means they are logged in show the page they were visiting If one of the requirements above is not met you redirect them..
php can't connect to mysql with error 13 (but command line can) 1 will also be a helpful CLI command to many people visiting this question as to allow mysql_connet connections from within..
package for detecting users contry in php? [closed] what is the best package to detect country which user is visiting from I am using php mysql.. php ip country share improve..
Encoding cookies so they cannot be spoofed or read etc So with long running sessions someone just needs to keep visiting your site over and over with a new session id and all of a sudden..
Compiling an AST back to source code blocks methods classes etc. . This isn't usually hard when visiting a node representing such a construct print out the construct..
How to run the PHP code asynchronous var www for example and is called runjobs.php. By visiting http localhost runjobs.php your myjob.php file would start to..
What is .inc and why to use it? a user could view your php source code in the .inc file by visiting the URL directly. Its only possible advantage is that it is..
How to force file download with PHP I want to require a file to be downloaded upon the user visiting a web page with PHP. I think it has something to do with file_get_contents..