php Programming Glossary: testcase
Organizing PHPUnit Tests in Namespaces SomeFramework Utilities AwesomeClass Approach 1 Place each TestCase class into the same namespace as the covered class. SomeFramework.. are grouped into the same namespace. Approach 2 Place each TestCase in a namespace named after the covered class. SomeFramework.. Provides a very easy obvious way to group multiple related TestCase classes together say for different test suites. Disadvantages..
phpunit dbunit @dataProvider doesn't work LabelEntityModelTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase private static connection NULL @var CXNS DB Connections Connection.. share improve this question You should never overwrite TestCase constructor. PhpUnit has a specialized methods for initialization..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? predefined data. After you put that in a method in your TestCase your setup becomes public function setup Registry reset Registry..