php Programming Glossary: test
Use global variables in a class . This is the index file db new DB_MySQL localhost root test connect to the database include_once pagi.php pagination new.. class dependency injection db new DB_MySQL localhost root test connect to the database include_once pagi.php pagination new.. the method that uses it db new DB_MySQL localhost root test connect to the database include_once pagi.php pagination new..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? pdo_connect localhost usrABC pw1234567 pdo_select_db test result pdo_query SELECT title html FROM pages while row pdo_fetch_assoc..
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? deal with regexps it handy to have good tools to quickly test them. Check this online regexp tester . EDIT answer to the first.. good tools to quickly test them. Check this online regexp tester . EDIT answer to the first comment. It's true that I did not..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead upon ext mysql . It would be wise to perform regression testing you really shouldn't be changing anything especially upgrading.. of impact planned around each of them and then thoroughly tested your solution in a staging environment. Following good coding.. this module to use one of the other more modern extensions test thoroughly. You can later introduce further refinements to reap..
How to find number of days between two dates using php of days between two dates using php. for this i have test the answer of Calculate number of days between two dates in..
How to enable PHP short tags? 2 statements are supposed to mean the same but I need to test it with in order to ensure that the application is exactly the..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples else with some other API you might have to test the result of the function used to execute a query and throw..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] run it on your input string using preg_match to wholesale test for a hit or preg_replace to blank them out. You can also load..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? the authentication libraries for CodeIgniter when I was testing them out just after New Year's . FWIW I'll share it with.. 3 files Elegant automatic cookie login Comes with optional test implementation nice touch Cons Uses the old CI database syntax.. own library's feature list Tiny footprint with optional test implementation Full documentation No autoloading required. Just..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords other user's accounts or access their data. If you don't test the security of your system then you cannot blame anyone but..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? video URL may be encountered in a variety of formats latest short format http NLqAF9hrVbY iframe http can safely remove the negative lookahead assertion which tests for this condition The assertion beginning with the comment.. function to camelCase. Improved pre linked lookahead test. Edit 2011 07 27 Added new user and ytscreeningroom formats..
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now error rowcount data num_rows rows getRowsByArticleSearch test Auctions last ceil rowcount page_rows else print_r con error..
PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND) [closed] Using exec db new PDO mysql host localhost dbname test 'root' '' works regardless of statements emulation db setAttribute.. Using statements db new PDO mysql host localhost dbname test 'root' '' works not with the following set to 0. You can comment..
How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters? array_slice parts 0 last_part Also here is the PHPUnit testclass used to test the implementation class TokenTruncateTest.. 0 last_part Also here is the PHPUnit testclass used to test the implementation class TokenTruncateTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase.. extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase public function testBasic this assertEquals 1 3 5 7 9 tokenTruncate 1 3 5 7 9 11..
How foreach actually works be working with the following array array array 1 2 3 4 5 Test case 1 foreach array as item echo item n array item print_r.. during the loop. But just to be sure this is the case Test case 2 foreach array as key item array key 1 item 2 echo item.. not working with the source array right Well not entirely. Test case 3 Move the array pointer on one to make sure it doesn't..
Regexp to add attribute in any xml tags ... meta script CDATA function load document.write ' tt Test tt ' script title CDATA Fancy SiteName with Breadcrumbs in..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? on GET or POST methods. DOCTYPE html html head title My Test Form title head body form method POST p Please choose the salary..
Sending SMS from PHP [closed]
Working with large numbers in PHP as you would require when using the Fermat Primality Test with large numbers 100 000 it calls for some very large calculations...
Parsing CSS by regex z s s s properties A Za z0 9 _ s s values A Za z0 9# s s Test case body background #f00 font 12px Arial Expected Outcome Array..
how send message facebook friend through graph api using Accessstoken facebook call_api me feed post to john message You have a Test message It's not working. I have the accesstoken of the user..
Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP session_id currentSessionID Start a session. session_start Test retrieval of variable set when using HTTP. if empty _SESSION..
Remove style attribute from HTML tags TinyMCE. So change p style ... Text p to just vanilla p Test p . How would I achieve this with something like the preg_replace..
Call php function from javascript php function query hello when I click on the href called Test which would call the php function. php javascript html ajax..
PHPDoc type hinting for array of objects? to provide a code insight for that variable. php class Test @var SomeObj private someObjInstance This works great until.. The best you can do is say foreach Objs as Obj @var Obj Test You should be able to get hinting after the preceding line if..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php userFunction.storeTest mEmail Log.d TAG After JSON TEST try if jsonTest.getString KEY_SUCCESS null String res jsonTest.getString.. JSONObject testData jsonTest.getJSONObject TAG_TEST test new TestBean test.setTestid testData.getInt TAG_TEST_ID.. test new TestBean test.setTestid testData.getInt TAG_TEST_ID test.setUid testData.getInt TAG_UID JSONArray list new..
How to build a correct SOAP request with PHP EMAIL param6 param7 ns2 Map item key 2 key value TEST value item ns2 Map param7 param8 ns2 Map item key FIRSTNAME.. 'NOTHING' uidkey 'EMAIL' content array content array 2 'TEST' dyn array dyn array 'FIRSTNAME' 'John' dyn array 'LASTNAME'..
PHP GD Text with Transparency/Alpha background transparent font . arialbd.ttf fontSize 12 text THIS IS A TEST textDim imagettfbbox fontSize 0 font text textX textDim 2 textDim.. transparent font . arialbd.ttf fontSize 12 text THIS IS A TEST textDim imagettfbbox fontSize 0 font text textX textDim 2 textDim..
Outlook Marking Email as Junk Email false crlf n mime new Mail_mime crlf mime setTXTBody TEST mime setHTMLBody html n body nTest n body n html body mime get..
PHP - replace a string with a variable named like the string this php variables string share improve this question TEST 'one' THING 'two' str this is TEST a THING to test result preg_replace.. improve this question TEST 'one' THING 'two' str this is TEST a THING to test result preg_replace ' A Z e' 1 str share improve..
split keywords for post php mysql end repeat close v_cursor commit end proc_main # delimiter TEST DATA insert into post_tags tags_csv values 'keyword1 keyword2.. 'keyword1 keyword5' 'keyword4 keyword3 keyword6 keyword1' TESTING call normalise_post_tags select from post_tags order by post_id..
Compare PHP Arrays Using Memory References support enable test Enable test ext support if test PHP_TEST yes then AC_DEFINE HAVE_TEST 1 Enable TEST Extension PHP_NEW_EXTENSION.. test ext support if test PHP_TEST yes then AC_DEFINE HAVE_TEST 1 Enable TEST Extension PHP_NEW_EXTENSION test test.c ext_shared.. if test PHP_TEST yes then AC_DEFINE HAVE_TEST 1 Enable TEST Extension PHP_NEW_EXTENSION test test.c ext_shared fi File php_test.h..
Testing for a PHP Closure without referring to the Closure internal class Functor if r isClosure return true return false Test case TEST CASE class CallBackClass function callBackFunc class Functor..
Php By Reference please explain what the does in the following class TEST abc new TEST I know it is by reference. But can someone illustrate.. explain what the does in the following class TEST abc new TEST I know it is by reference. But can someone illustrate why and..
Xpath fails if an element has a a xmlns attribute [duplicate] tag has a xmlns attribute. For example this works string TEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 COLLADA version 1.4.1 library_materials.. url #Material effect2 material library_materials COLLADA TEST lol new SimpleXMLElement string print_r lol library_materials.. xpath material @id 'Material2' But this doesn't string TEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 COLLADA xmlns http
Refresh a table with jQuery/Ajax every 5 seconds footers etc.. . PHP getTable.php php echo ' table tr td TEST td tr table ' Then in you're JS using the load method you can..
What is the use of <<<EOD in PHP? anybody please explain the concept of this html EOD tr td TEST td tr EOD Thanks in advance.... php syntax share improve.. multiline strings. The HTML in your example will be tr td TEST td tr Read the PHP documentation that explains it. share improve..
How to tell apart SimpleXML objects representing element and attribute? for what so I created a cheatsheet for it TYPE TEST Element element xpath '.' array element Attribute..