php Programming Glossary: terminology
PHP Default Function Parameter values, how to 'pass default value' for 'not last' parameters? default values for the 'not last' paramater I know this terminology is way off but a simple example would be function funcName param1..
Can I re-write my URLs like this and is it a good idea? php apache mod rewrite share improve this question The terminology of mod rewrite works the other way. Requests would come in like..
Generate all possible combinations using a set of strings share improve this question In mathematical terminology you are asking for all possible nonempty ordered subsets of..
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? Even though I am fully confident in the conclusion the terminology or details might be off. I 'd love to hear from anyone with..
Access parent's overriden method from parent's context in PHP makes it clear. The sequences above do not have the right terminology but it was written on purpose I think it's easier to understand..
What is the proper time to use real_escape_string? When data arrives in POST, or just before composing the query? NEITHER Let me explain it a bit. First let's sort out the terminology. There are many mistakes in the way the question put in. Let's..
How to store repeating dates keeping in mind Daylight Savings Time this question First please recognize that in modern terminology you should say UTC instead of GMT. They are mostly equivalent..
I never really understood: what is CGI? as possible. I really can't understand any fancy technical terminology. At least not in this case. EDIT I found this amazing tutorial..
What is a “real” programming language? [closed] is and was having none of that php programming languages terminology share improve this question First we need to know what a..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation are three UserIds we need to differentiate them. In IDEF1X terminology this is called Roles. The Role of the User who issued the Bulletin..
Does PHP supports MVP pattern? are a few frameworks which are actually aware of the newer terminology and pattern. http says so but I haven't..
Unit Testing: Beginner Questions run your full test suite every time Just so I'm getting my terminology right to what does the unit in unit testing refer The class..
Conversion from Simplified to Traditional Chinese staff may be arrested solely on the basis of subversive terminology. This is not unique to China Pakistan India and Turkey have..
Problem json_encode utf-8 string is what you want. I'm just being strict about terminology. In javascript and in JSON may be escaped as u010 . The two..
Creating anonymous objects in php share improve this question Anonymous is not the correct terminology when talking about objects. It would be better to say object..
Terminology question on “dereferencing”? array 0 a 0 but that one is invalid array 0 0 What is the terminology corresponding to that behaviour has it anything to do with dereferencing.. besides user spite P I am looking for the general terminology not necessarily the terminology associated with PHP. Other example.. am looking for the general terminology not necessarily the terminology associated with PHP. Other example in MATLAB the following is..
Simple jQuery, PHP and JSONP example? here is a simple jQuery PHP JSONP request or whatever the terminology may be something like this obviously it is incorrect its just..
How to use Imagick to merge and mask images? know very little of image processing and even less of the terminology used so please bear with me. Basically I want to merge two images..