php Programming Glossary: tail
PHP - Removing a forward-slash from the tail-end of an URL Removing a forward slash from the tail end of an URL The code below removes www. etc. from the beginning.. could use similar code to remove a forward slash from the tail end of a website that is entered into the same database Thanks..
Using XAMPP, how do i swap out PHP 5.3 for PHP 5.2? be able to start the apache server with PHP 5.2.8. You can tail the G xampp apache logs error.log file to see whether there..
How do I set up PHP Logging to go to a remote server? this setup is that if an individual developer needs to tail logs to troubleshoot something he will have to open a console..
PHP's white screen of death but as they are not valid html they are not displayed. So tail f your log files and when you get a blank screen use IEs view..
What is the best way in PHP to read last lines from a file? Basically I want something as flexible as the Unix tail command. There are questions here about how to get the single.. ones that use file PHP function cheating ones that runs tail command on the system mighty ones that happily jump around an.. in array functions. The only possible solution based on tail command which has a little big problem it does not run if tail..
Weird PHP error: 'Can't use function return value in write context' context' I'm getting this error and I can't make head or tail of it. The exact error message is Fatal error Can't use function..
Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP? break my application. By this feels insane...a case of the tail wagging the dog. Specification Pattern This leads me to believe..
Find all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF end of each file for f in `find . type f` do for t in head tail do t 1 f egrep '^ ' dev null echo blank line at the t of f done.. output blank line at the head of . b blank line at the tail of . c blank line at the head of . d blank line at the tail..
How to log errors and warnings into a file? php error.log error_log Hello errors Then watch the file tail f tmp php error.log Or update php.ini as described in this blog..
php process background s cmd outputfile pidfile in command line php result.php tail tmp result.txt to monitor the results take 10 seconds to complete..
Does PHP optimize tail recursion? PHP optimize tail recursion I wrote a small piece of code that I believe should.. piece of code that I believe should have succeeded if tail recursion was optimized however it blew up the stack. Should.. blew up the stack. Should I conclude PHP does not optimize tail recursion function sumrand n sum if n 0 return sum else return..
Running command-line application from PHP as specific user proc environ 2 dev null sed 's DBUS nDBUS g' tail n 1` if x DBUS_ADDRESS x then export DBUS_ADDRESS usr bin rhythmbox..
Tailing Log File and Write results to new file Log File and Write results to new file I'm not sure how.. the last position Example file __DIR__ . a.log tail new TailLog file data tail tail 100 Save data to new file TailLog is.. new TailLog file data tail tail 100 Save data to new file TailLog is a simple class i wrote for this task here is a simple..