php Programming Glossary: targetwidth
Resize image without distortion keeping aspect ratio then crop excess using WideImage Here's also my version sourceWidth 1000 sourceHeight 250 targetWidth 200 targetHeight 150 sourceRatio sourceWidth sourceHeight targetRatio.. 150 sourceRatio sourceWidth sourceHeight targetRatio targetWidth targetHeight if sourceRatio targetRatio scale sourceWidth targetWidth.. targetHeight if sourceRatio targetRatio scale sourceWidth targetWidth else scale sourceHeight targetHeight resizeWidth int sourceWidth..
Calculating image size ratio for resizing ratio not stretching the image larger than the original targetWidth targetHeight min size max originalWidth originalHeight if ratio.. min size max originalWidth originalHeight if ratio 1 targetWidth targetHeight ratio else targetHeight targetWidth ratio srcWidth.. ratio 1 targetWidth targetHeight ratio else targetHeight targetWidth ratio srcWidth originalWidth srcHeight originalHeight srcX srcY..