php Programming Glossary: targetfile
Resize images with PHP, support PNG, JPG this originalFile originalFile function resize newWidth targetFile if empty newWidth empty targetFile return false src imagecreatefromjpeg.. resize newWidth targetFile if empty newWidth empty targetFile return false src imagecreatefromjpeg this originalFile list.. src 0 0 0 0 newWidth newHeight width height if file_exists targetFile unlink targetFile imagejpeg tmp targetFile 95 Which works excellently..
How can I get the uploaded file details from uploadify after completion in the original uploadify.php move_uploaded_file tempFile targetFile echo 1 to this move_uploaded_file tempFile targetFile echo tempFile.. targetFile echo 1 to this move_uploaded_file tempFile targetFile echo tempFile and then inside the onComplete event did an explode.. returning json array etc. move_uploaded_file tempFile targetFile echo param1.' __ '. param2 and then inside the onComplete event..
php str_getcsv array issue at the top right now I'm doing csvfile file_get_contents targetFile csv str_getcsv csvfile php arrays parsing csv upload share.. to use fgetcsv instead of str_getcsv data array fp fopen targetFile 'rb' while feof fp data fgetcsv fp fclose fp self contained.. fp data fgetcsv fp fclose fp self contained example php targetFile 'soTest.csv' setup targetFile data array fp fopen targetFile..
preg_replace all but numbers, letters, periods, and slash? numbers and periods. How do I also add foreslashes to it targetFile preg_replace ' ^A Za z0 9 . ' '' targetFileDirty php regex.. to it targetFile preg_replace ' ^A Za z0 9 . ' '' targetFileDirty php regex preg replace share improve this question .. can escape the foreslash by putting a backslash before it targetFile preg_replace ' ^A Za z0 9 . ' '' targetFileDirty Alternatively..