php Programming Glossary: t2_len
How does similar_text work? 200 length1 lenght 2 Z_DVAL_PP percent sim 200.0 t1_len t2_len So that explains why the percenatges are higher then expected... zval percent NULL int ac ZEND_NUM_ARGS int sim int t1_len t2_len if zend_parse_parameters ZEND_NUM_ARGS TSRMLS_CC ss Z t1 t1_len.. ZEND_NUM_ARGS TSRMLS_CC ss Z t1 t1_len t2 t2_len percent FAILURE return if ac 2 convert_to_double_ex percent..
PHP similar_text() in java max l position1 p position2 q sim 200.0 t1_len t2_len this.procent max 200 string.length string2.length max position2..