php Programming Glossary: table_name
Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL AS source JOIN changes AS chg_rec ON source.table_name 'instances' AND source.column_name chg_rec.column_name GROUP.. FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN changes c ON c.table_name c.column_name 'instances' a.attname WHERE a.attrelid 'instances'.. ORDER BY updated_at DESC AS value FROM changes WHERE table_name 'instances' AND unique_id 3 un comment to fetch just one row..
Update MySql Field (if field is not empty, go to next one) use case to update only selective columns. Example update table_name set col1 case when col1 is null then else col1 end col2 case.. to set column values checking in the reverse order. update table_name set more next 4 to n columns here if required col3 case when..
Is there any way to check the performance of mysql Indexing or not EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT col1 col2 col3 COUNT 1 FROM table_name WHERE col1 val GROUP BY col1 ORDER BY col2 SHOW WARNINGS You..
How to store the data in unicode in hindi language . To alter your table field run ALTER TABLE ` table_name ` CHANGE ` field_name ` ` field_name ` VARCHAR 100 CHARSET utf8..
PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV [closed] doc refman 5.0 en select.html or select SELECT FROM table_name export mysql_query select or die Sql error . mysql_error fields..
PDO bindParam issue [duplicate] give you a prepared statement of the form sql INSERT INTO table_name column1 column2 ... VALUES column1 column2 ... You can then..
PHP Encoding Error when producing XML from database [closed] config 'mysql_pass' XXXX config 'db_name' XXXX config 'table_name' articles connect to host mysql_connect config 'mysql_host'.. xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 root_element config 'table_name' . s xml . root_element sql SELECT FROM . config 'table_name'.. . s xml . root_element sql SELECT FROM . config 'table_name' result mysql_query sql if result die 'Invalid query ' . mysql_error..
export query result as CSV through PHP to excel share improve this question query SELECT FROM table_name export mysql_query query or die Sql error . mysql_error fields..
PHP Mysql joins across databases convert it. EDIT2 So where I don't specify database_name.table_name and just specify table_name I get whatever is selected and where.. I don't specify database_name.table_name and just specify table_name I get whatever is selected and where I do specify database.table_name.. I get whatever is selected and where I do specify database.table_name I get what I asked for.. right Yep. Works. EDIT3 Is there any..
PHP syntax error ?œunexpected $end??/a> convert it. EDIT2 So where I don't specify database_name.table_name and just specify table_name I get whatever is selected and where.. I don't specify database_name.table_name and just specify table_name I get whatever is selected and where I do specify database.table_name.. I get whatever is selected and where I do specify database.table_name I get what I asked for.. right Yep. Works. EDIT3 Is there any..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation to use capitals for SQL language . 20.1. My experience is table_name as opposed to tableName are really technie forms and users do.. Lower case or mixed case only. So the choices boil down to table_name or TableName we need a separator of some kind. For reasons already..
get sum of mysql column in php handle it in the MySQL query SELECT SUM column_name FROM table_name In the PHP code try this result mysql_query 'SELECT SUM value..
How to import LARGE sql files into mysql table but it fails too . I've tried commands like mysql u root p table_name var www bigfile.sql this works on smaller files say around 50MB...