php Programming Glossary: targetentity
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? strategy AUTO protected id @ORM ManyToMany targetEntity Group @ORM JoinTable name avo_user_avo_group joinColumns @ORM.. id protected groups @ORM ManyToMany targetEntity Role @ORM JoinTable name avo_user_avo_role joinColumns @ORM.. Adding cascade persist remove to mapping. @ORM ManyToMany targetEntity Group cascade persist remove @ORM JoinTable name avo_user_avo_group..
Symfony2 validation doesn't work when Entity Relationships/Associations prePersist preUpdate preUpdate oneToMany reviews targetEntity Second mappedBy review My SampleBundle Entity Second type entity.. prePersist prePersist preUpdate preUpdate manyToOne first targetEntity First inversedBy reviews joinColumn name first_id referencedColumnName..
Doctrine 2 and Many-to-many link table with an extra field length 50 nullable false protected name @ORM OneToMany targetEntity Entity Stock mappedBy product protected stockProducts Store.. length 50 nullable false protected name @ORM OneToMany targetEntity Entity Stock mappedBy store protected stockProducts Stock namespace.. type integer protected amount @ORM Id @ORM ManyToOne targetEntity Entity Stock inversedBy stockProducts @ORM JoinColumn name store_id..
Need help understanding Doctrine many to many self referencing code doctrine documentation @Entity class User ... @ManyToMany targetEntity User mappedBy myFriends private friendsWithMe @ManyToMany.. mappedBy myFriends private friendsWithMe @ManyToMany targetEntity User inversedBy friendsWithMe @JoinTable name friends joinColumns.. @Column type string length 30 private name @ManyToMany targetEntity User inversedBy teachers @JoinTable name Teachers_Students ..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table integer protected id @Column protected title @OneToMany targetEntity AlbumTrackReference mappedBy album protected tracklist public.. title @Column type time protected duration @OneToMany targetEntity AlbumTrackReference mappedBy track protected albumsFeaturingThisTrack.. @Id @Column type integer protected id @ManyToOne targetEntity Album inversedBy tracklist protected album @ManyToOne targetEntity..
How to debug MySQL/Doctrine2 Queries? progress is declared Application Models Task @OneToMany targetEntity TaskProgress mappedBy task @OrderBy seq ASC protected progress..
Doctrine 2 Inheritance Mapping with Association class Collar @Column length 16 protected color ManyToOne targetEntity Pet protected owner Now if you wanted to iterate over all the..
On delete cascade with doctrine2 GeneratedValue strategy AUTO private id @ORM ManyToOne targetEntity Father cascade remove @ORM JoinColumns @ORM JoinColumn name..