php Programming Glossary: table1
query to get last message only from all users You can also try select a.from_user_id a.message from table1 a WHERE a.datetime SELECT MAX datetime FROM table1 x WHERE x.from_user_id.. from table1 a WHERE a.datetime SELECT MAX datetime FROM table1 x WHERE x.from_user_id a.from_user_id share improve this answer..
Unable to write to a chmod 777 database file on SQlite3 via php 5.3.0 this code db new SQLite3 '. data1.db' db exec INSERT INTO table1 fileName VALUES 'test.txt' But the strange thing is that I can.. this works print_r db querySingle 'SELECT fileName FROM table1' true I'm running PHP 5.3.0 php sql sqlite3 share improve..
How do I convert a script using mysql_ functions to use mysqli_ functions? mysql_real_escape_string input_string query 'SELECT FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 ' . value1 . '' result mysql_query query con.. input_string query 'SELECT FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 ' . value1 . '' result mysql_query query con while row.. to mysqli_stmt_bind_result . mysql_ query 'SELECT FROM table1 WHERE table1.col1 ' . value1 . '' result mysql_query query con..
Retrieving Multiple Result sets with stored procedure in php/mysqli multiples param1 INT param2 INT BEGIN SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id param1 SELECT FROM table2 WHERE id param2 END The PHP..
SQL Select * from multiple tables qualified to avoid column name clash example SELECT from table1 table2 gives Array keys are '' '' ''.. example SELECT from table1 table2 gives Array keys are '' '' '' etc. I tried SELECT table1. table2... table2 gives Array keys are '' '' '' etc. I tried SELECT table1. table2. ... but the returned..
Showing all errors and warnings PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION STH DBH prepare delete into table1 display_name email password values display_name email password..
How to get Insert id in MSSQL in PHP? in the current scope. For example if you insert a row into table1 but that insert fires a trigger which inserts a row into table2.. whereas SCOPE_IDENTITY will return the identity from table1 . INSERT INTO my_table my_column VALUES 'test' return the most..
MySQLi Bind Param with an array for IN ' ' values . ' ' stmt prepare 'SELECT value1 value2 FROM table1 WHERE value3 IN ' stmt bind_param 's' values I can't get it.. ' ' values . ' stmt prepare 'SELECT value1 value2 FROM table1 WHERE value3 IN ' . values . ' ' share improve this answer..
How can I count the numbers of rows that a mysql query returned? database link result mysql_query SELECT FROM table1 link num_rows mysql_num_rows result echo num_rows Rows n EDIT..
How to INNER JOIN 3 tables using CodeIgniter Tell me how to join 3 table with php Example SELECT FROM table1 table2 table on INNERJOIN let I have 3 table. question table.. it should be like that this db select ' ' this db from 'table1' this db join 'table2' '' this db join 'table3'.. db select ' ' this db from 'table1' this db join 'table2' '' this db join 'table3' '' query..
PHP MySQL Triggers - How to pass variables to trigger? DDL Statements DELIMITER Creates trigger to insert into table1 logs the userid and patientid which has to come from php USE.. CREATE DEFINER `baemer_emr`@`localhost` TRIGGER `table1`.`after_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.`table1` FOR EACH.. `table1`.`after_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.`table1` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO table2 VALUES NEW.idn _POST..
check if MySQL table exists or not [duplicate] processing table exists or not. Imagine that my tables are table1 table2 and table3. My code is something like this php for i..
Calculating total quantity of equipments for a date range range SELECT MAX available IFNULL SUM amountInSch 0 FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table3 USING eqid LEFT JOIN Table2 USING scheduleid..
MySQL: How to COUNT the number of rows returned by a Complicated Query ROWS returned by this query SELECT Alias1 . Alias2 . FROM Table1 AS Alias1 LEFT JOIN Table2 AS Alias2 USING Col1 WHERE Alias1.Col1.. DESC LIMIT 50 UNION SELECT Alias1 . Alias2 . FROM Table1 AS Alias1 LEFT JOIN Table2 AS Alias2 USING Col1 WHERE Alias1.Col1.. DESC LIMIT 50 UNION SELECT Alias1 . Alias2 . FROM Table1 AS Alias1 LEFT JOIN Table2 AS Alias2 USING Col1 WHERE Alias1.Col1..
array in MySQL in MySQL I want to store an array in a record. Table1 ID Name Friends friends should be an array 1 Bill 2&3 2 Charles.. 1 I want to be able to do a search like this SELECT FROM Table1 WHERE Friends '3' to find everyone who has Clare listed as a..