

php Programming Glossary: sqlsrv_connect

mssql_connect in PHP does not exist


this question For SQL Server 2008 on Windows it's sqlsrv_connect This is because Microsoft now uses the SQL Driver for PHP which..

CodeIgniter MSSQL connection


message PHP Fatal error Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect in C inetpub wwwroot system database drivers sqlsrv sqlsrv_driver.php..

configure wamp to connect ms sql server 2008


for PHP for SQL Server which you have downloaded support sqlsrv_connect to establish connection with sql server database You should.. connection with sql server database You should use sqlsrv_connect function to connect with sql server mssql_connect is depreciated..

Connecting to SQL Server 2008 through PHP


local connectionOptions array Database MyTestDatabase conn sqlsrv_connect serverName connectionOptions or die Error And I'm getting the..

What is “New transaction is not allowed” error in PHP and SQLSRV driver for?


array Database dbName CharacterSet UTF 8 this sqlsrvLink sqlsrv_connect dbServerName connectionInfo if this sqlsrvLink false this sqlsrvError.. to true when you want to connect to sql server conn sqlsrv_connect '' array 'Database' 'Adventureworks' 'MultipleActiveResultSets'..

PHP 5.3 not recognizing Native Client to connect to MS SQL


'Database' 'DATABASENAME' 'ReturnDatesAsStrings' true conn sqlsrv_connect serverName connParams if conn errors sqlsrv_errors die var_dump.. if conn errors sqlsrv_errors die var_dump errors sqlsrv_connect conn die 'connected' And I'm getting this error array 2 0 array..

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect()


extension. You are using microsoft's extension so use sqlsrv_connect for the API for the microsoft driver look at SQLSRV_Help.chm..