

php Programming Glossary: splits

Extract Scheme and Host from HTTP_REFERER


solution would be to use PHP's parse_url method . This splits up the URL into an associative array. You would then build your..

preg_split how to include the split delimiter in results?


delimiter in results I have this simple pattern that splits a text into periods text preg_split . text but i want to include..

PHP Regex for human names


just threw the Jürgen name against a regex creator and it splits the word up at the ü letter... http www.txt2re.com index.php3..

PDO binding values for MySQL IN statement


third option you could create a user defined function that splits the comma separated list for you cf. http www.slickdev.com 2008..

Cache over 1mb memcache alternatives


I 5m default 1mb min 1k max 128m MultipartCache simply splits the data into different parts based on the limit set max 1MB..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


class which is responsible the following tasks routing it splits the URL in parts that have some significance for the rest of..

Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries


know or have a already coded simple solution that reliably splits such a file into single queries there could be multi line statements..

Encoding byte data into digits


2^24 64^4 . This is more or less what el.pescado does he splits the input data into 8 bit pieces and then converts the number..

Encryption method that's implemented for both php and java?


vector used to encrypt it. Subsequently the PHP code splits it into two the initialization vector and the encrypted data...

PHP: How do I detect if an input string is Arabic


'UTF 8' str str_split str this function is not mb safe it splits by bytes not characters. we cannot use it str preg_split ' u'..

split vs. explode in php


and split php share improve this question explode splits strings. split also does this except it has support for splitting..

Count word frequency in a text? [duplicate]


to write a php function which takes a string as input splits it into words and then returns an array of words sorted by the..

How Create Multiple array from a array?


08asap thanks php share improve this question This splits the original array into sub arrays at each element starting..

How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters?


improve this question By using the wordwrap function. It splits the texts in multiple lines such that the maximum width is the..