

php Programming Glossary: sqlite_open

Error: file is encrypted or is not a database


way php db new SQLiteDatabase test.db unset db db sqlite_open test.db sqlite_query db create table students names char 255.. a DB using PHP5 and SQLite we need to use a PDO and no the sqlite_open function.. an example of how to open or create a DB try connect..

Call to undefined function sqlite_open


to undefined function sqlite_open Searched already on many sites with no results. PHP keeps on.. no results. PHP keeps on saying Call to undefined function sqlite_open If I manually load sqlite it's already installed with yum install.. on line 0 PHP Fatal error Call to undefined function sqlite_open in home kpark dbconnect.php on line 9 php share improve this..

PHP json_encode() in while loop


while getting database results. Here is my code database sqlite_open thenew.db 0999 error if database die error query SELECT FROM.. json encode share improve this question Try database sqlite_open thenew.db 0999 error if database die error query SELECT FROM..