

php Programming Glossary: spoofed

Preventing session hijacking


webpage . We can't. Checking the user agent Can be spoofed but good as a Defense in Depth measure nevertheless. IP Address..

Securing javascript game timing


AJAX only access


However the fact of the matter is that HTTP headers can be spoofed quite easily and are not a means of securing code. In my testing..

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?


address. The other _SERVER variables mentioned here can be spoofed by a remote client very easily. The purpose of this solution..

php / ajax REMOTE_ADDR set to IP of bogus network adapter


into account. Sadly this information can easily be spoofed or even be incorrect based on a large number of network probabilities..

PHP: Preventing Session Hijacking with token stored as a cookie?


user keeps can be stolen any data a visitor sends could be spoofed. Better to store the remote IP in _SESSION when the session..

How to get Client IP address in PHP? [duplicate]


_SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' but this value is easily spoofed. For example it can be set by someone without a proxy or the..

How can I write tests for file upload in PHP?


this question I've found an alternate solution. I've spoofed the _FILES array with test data created dummy test files in.. and move_uploaded_file could not work with this spoofed items because they are not really uploaded through POST . First..

Can I use a fingerprint scanner on my website?


the reader say finger 2 is OK . This could be easily spoofed. Instead have your user use X.509 SSL client certificates to..

How can I determine a file's true extension/type programatically?


Encoding cookies so they cannot be spoofed or read etc


cookies so they cannot be spoofed or read etc I am writing a PHP application. I want to store..

How to prevent cross-domain ajax requests?


found this question on SO but its still not safe it can be spoofed. php security cross domain share improve this question .. method to prevent this since any header information can be spoofed. Session based tokens are another possible solution but in that..

Which $_SERVER variables are safe?


relies on reverse DNS lookups though and may hence be spoofed by DNS attacks against your server in which case you have bigger..

Getting the domain that calls an PHP file on your server through AJAX


passed by most not all browsers and it can easily be spoofed. I can send your website requests using CURL that make it look..

Designing a secure auto login cookie system in PHP


is how do I make it secure so the cookie will can not be spoofed modified. One of my friends suggest having a db table that stores..

Stop Spoofed Form Submissions


Spoofed Form Submissions I have a question about stopping spoofed form submissions. How about if by using the _SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER'..