

php Programming Glossary: spend

How can I find unused functions in a PHP project


functions token 1 1 array path token 2 I'll probably spend some more time on it so I can quickly find the files and line..

Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability


lots of useless queries made to the database which has to spend time serving the same data over and over again. Of course this.. What if you have to scale larger How much will it cost to spend 10 days more optimizing every possible bit of your application.. takes only a couple of minutes to set up On the other side spending 3 days for 2 percent... Oh and btw before doing anything..

Global or Singleton for database connection?


no reason to have a singleton connection why would you spend the time setting that up when you could create a regular global..

Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?


this particular example isn't that great but I try not to spend too much time thinking up real attacks and even if I did I wouldn't..

How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP?


If you are really interested by the subject and ready to spend some money on it you could also buy the book Extending and Embedding..

Laravel 3 : Looking for explanation how to use the model


video it is one of the sadly few ones out there that don't spend 1000 words on what can be said in 10 and I can't highly enough..

Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers?


is aimed at server virtual appliance IMHO you're going to spend at most a day configuring your VM to your tastes not weeks... This is the most difficult one and you're going to spend a lot of time. But you'll be able to have a really small distribution..

Code obfuscator for php? [closed]


haven't quite come to terms with this yet they still spend millions on DRM. In interpreted languages like PHP and Perl..

Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site


to see where your problem points will be. You can spend a lot of time guessing and improving but you won't see real..

Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


Also see Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way Books If you want to spend some money have a look at PHP Architect's Guide to Webscraping..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


Also see Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way Books If you want to spend some money have a look at PHP Architect's Guide to Webscraping..

How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate]


Also see Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way Books If you want to spend some money have a look at PHP Architect's Guide to Webscraping..

Log-in the user with LightOpenID


Array login ...nothing special... and thats it... I spend lot of the time searching for tutorials in google but can't..

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in


error See title . I have no clue how to solve it. I've spend all my free time trying today The script works when I use my..

Why should I fix E_NOTICE errors?


these problems More specifically why should a manager spend the money to have these fixed if the code already works php..

How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP?


so. You want to test the TestSubject in isolation and not spend time recreating a working environment. Example class MyTestSubject..

Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones


because it's used by more than one bundle. And after you spend a half a day and finally make your hard decision on where to..

Simple PHP form: Attachment to email (code golf)


want a bit more feedback to the user Also I'd probably spend a bit more time working out what the actual Content Type for..