php Programming Glossary: specifier
PHP DateTime microseconds always returns 0 that http date documents the microsecond specifier yet doesn't really support it function getTimestamp return date..
Find JPEG resolution with PHP bytes 14 18 specify byte 14 01 X and Y density unit specifier 00 none pixel ratios 01 DPI 02 DPC bytes 15 16 horizontal pixel..
How to prefix a positive number with plus sign in PHP sprintf d num From PHP Manual for sprintf An optional sign specifier that forces a sign or to be used on a number. By default only.. only the sign is used on a number if it's negative. This specifier forces positive numbers to have the sign attached as well and..
What can use for DateTime::diff() for PHP 5.2? to get it to work by using DateTime format with the 'U' specifier seconds since Unix epoch start new DateTime '2010 10 12' end..
How do I make sure a file path is within a given subdirectory? will also prevent absolute paths beginning with a drive specifier i.e. C . Note I'm aware that a colon is a valid character in..
SELECT * FROM in MySQLi something depending on the types of inputs Right one type specifier per parameter in the prepared statement all of them positional.. in the prepared statement all of them positional first specifier applies to first which is replaced by first actual parameter..