

php Programming Glossary: spare

PDOstatement (MySQL): inserting value 0 into a bit(1) field results in 1 written in table


with client libraries which PDO issue proves . You will spare yourself a lot of trouble if you modify type of column to TINYINT..

Can I close a file by unsetting the handle?


by unsetting the handle I'm a little puzzled if I can spare the fclose command by just unsetting the variable that carries..

It is not inserting data into database


to start learning the code. If you have a couple of hours spare just read your code and try to understand what is happening...

PHP Encoding Error when producing XML from database [closed]


other. Additionally using the exception error mode does spare you to place checks and die s all over your codebase. An exemplary..

RSS XML Parsing issue (How to get media content value from the RSS feed?) [duplicate]


outlined in depth in the basic Simplexml usage examples I spare you this highly redundant code here. So after obtaining the.. can also use the alternative the namespace URI so you can spare the second parameter defaults to FALSE media item children 'http..

Convert Array to Object PHP


129 Array status The other day at work I had some spare time php arrays oop object share improve this question ..

PHP - Plus sign with GET query


more sense but I am using GET for specific reasons. I will spare the details. php get share improve this question If you'll..

An explode() function that ignores characters inside quotes?


that the characters are wrapped in single quotes would spare them from being splitters. Bonus points for a solution that..

Get users OS and version number


users OS and version. Mine would me Mac OS X 10.6.4 the spare PC in the office would be Windows XP SP3. You see what I'm getting..

secure sessions/cookies in php


1 session.use_only_cookies 1 session.use_trans_id 0 I'll spare you the details of the alternate syntax prevent session hijacking..

PHP, MySQL and Time Zones


all of this from experience. tl dr Use the modern toolset spare yourself the horrors of date math. Present the user with a list..

Smarty (and other tpl ngins): assign and assign_by_ref


that assigning by ref is really not worth it just to spare memory PHP in itself is smart enough php smarty pass by reference..

How to get all captures of subgroup matches with preg_match_all()?


somewhat make preg_match working for me somehow so I can spare that. That's basically all. Probably now it's understandable..

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2


Resources assets . It was a pre requisite to have the spare css PUBLIC and then build with assetic FROM there. These are.. But there are good news . If you don't want to have the spare css in the public directories... install them not with symlink..

How to substitute non SGML characters in String using PHP?


If you want to be even more safe you can spare the named entities and just only pick the numeric ones which..