

php Programming Glossary: speaks

Stop script execution upon notice/warning


improve this question Yes it is possible. This question speaks to the more general issue of how to handle errors in PHP. You..

PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)?


to paraphrase Jon Udell request driven software speaks when spoken to event driven software speaks when it has something.. software speaks when spoken to event driven software speaks when it has something to say. A consequence of this is that..

Why is WordPress considered to be poorly programmed? [closed]


because you've always got to be Googling the usage and it speaks to a deeper lack of attention to detail in the code. Another..

PHP IDE for Search in remote file without store the files to local [closed]


send back the search results No further options. In IDE speaks it means Either you use the search functionality of your IDE..

Why not “instantiate a new object inside object constructor”?


But what about when you are wanting to create someone who speaks French . I can't define that. As for creating the objects and..

How to make PHP generate Chunked response


being found out. 49 He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know. Lao Tsu Whether or not it will eventually squeeze..

Recommendation? for our specific HTML -> PDF project


Where are $_SESSION variables stored?


are _SESSION variables stored The title kind of speaks for itself are _SESSION variables stored on the client or the..